Sturdy and easy to assemble. Had it 2/3 months now and its on a hard floor. I can still fit a few items under and love its simple look. Easy setup and sturdy!
The bed frame is actually quite cute, very easy to move around for cleaning, but the legs in the middle are always getting out of place , as represented on the video. Love this product. No issues.
This was relatively easy to put together for one person. A little awkward at the beginning to take long pieces. But once balanced against something easy. I put it together in less than an hour. Came with all equipment needed. Feels sturdy. Love it! This one was perfect
Its very good quality for the price and easy to assemble. I would recommend buying this if you want an affordable nice bed frame Very sturdy and durable
So glad I bought this bed frame! It was perfect for my space and looks great! For the price I thought it would be low quality. I was totally wrong. Its very well built and sturdy. Definitely easier to put together with two people. Instructions were straight forward and everything was labeled. Also came with everything needed to assemble it so you dont have to worry about having your own tools. truly easy to install
When I opened the box, I was a little overwhelmed by the number of parts. But as we worked on it, the directions made sense and was fairly straightforward. The only other issue I had was the statement in the information that said you dont need box springs. Actually. You cant use box springs both because the headboard is too short and if you do use box springs, the bed is too high to get on without a step stool! I am very pleased with the frame and happy I bought it. I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
This bed was so easy to put together. I put it together by myself in just about an hr (if that). All of the holes lined up perfectly and its practical. I did use a drill and socket to make the process a little quicker but it was very easy. I have the queen size in a very small room (11x9) and there is enough room for two small bedside tables (but thats about it). Im using this as a guest bed so I wanted something cheap and minimalist looking. Im so happy with my selection. I read so many reviews and I ended up choosing this one bc of the other reviews and the fact that it was prime so if I didnt love it it would be an easy return. I would definitely recommend this bed frame. Ive only had it set up for a week so im not sure how long it will last but so far it looks and feels good Product was just as descriproduct
This one was for my guest room. It was okay to put it together but none of the letters matched so that was challenging. Good thing there arent too many pieces. Its easy to move in the box and all assembled. It scratches easily. I would buy it again. Well made. Good price.
Sturdy, easy to assemble, simple
Sturdy and easy to assemble. Had it 2/3 months now and its on a hard floor. I can still fit a few items under and love its simple look. Easy setup and sturdy!
Overall okay
The bed frame is actually quite cute, very easy to move around for cleaning, but the legs in the middle are always getting out of place , as represented on the video. Love this product. No issues.
Beautiful and sturdy
It is very good looking bed frame. Easy to assemble. Solid, sturdy and good quality. It is a good value buy. Love it. Best deal for a very nice
Love it
This was relatively easy to put together for one person. A little awkward at the beginning to take long pieces. But once balanced against something easy. I put it together in less than an hour. Came with all equipment needed. Feels sturdy. Love it! This one was perfect
Nice bed frame
Its very good quality for the price and easy to assemble. I would recommend buying this if you want an affordable nice bed frame Very sturdy and durable
Exactly as described!
So glad I bought this bed frame! It was perfect for my space and looks great! For the price I thought it would be low quality. I was totally wrong. Its very well built and sturdy. Definitely easier to put together with two people. Instructions were straight forward and everything was labeled. Also came with everything needed to assemble it so you dont have to worry about having your own tools. truly easy to install
Decorative, sturdy and inexpensive!
When I opened the box, I was a little overwhelmed by the number of parts. But as we worked on it, the directions made sense and was fairly straightforward. The only other issue I had was the statement in the information that said you dont need box springs. Actually. You cant use box springs both because the headboard is too short and if you do use box springs, the bed is too high to get on without a step stool! I am very pleased with the frame and happy I bought it. I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
Well worth the money
Very easy to assemble, well built Perfect for us
So impressed!
This bed was so easy to put together. I put it together by myself in just about an hr (if that). All of the holes lined up perfectly and its practical. I did use a drill and socket to make the process a little quicker but it was very easy. I have the queen size in a very small room (11x9) and there is enough room for two small bedside tables (but thats about it). Im using this as a guest bed so I wanted something cheap and minimalist looking. Im so happy with my selection. I read so many reviews and I ended up choosing this one bc of the other reviews and the fact that it was prime so if I didnt love it it would be an easy return. I would definitely recommend this bed frame. Ive only had it set up for a week so im not sure how long it will last but so far it looks and feels good Product was just as descriproduct
Bed it!
This one was for my guest room. It was okay to put it together but none of the letters matched so that was challenging. Good thing there arent too many pieces. Its easy to move in the box and all assembled. It scratches easily. I would buy it again. Well made. Good price.
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