I bought this as a gift for my brother who live in an efficiency apartment. It was easy to assemble, is very sturdy, good quality material and fits perfectly in his place.
Did not assemble. Opened box and found color was much lighter in picture. We did return it at no additional charge. Appeared to be nice heavy quality if you are looking for a very, very light oak.
We bought this for a small space for my Moms assisted living apartment. It needed to be sturdy, functional and pretty. This set was all of those things and not at all hard to assemble. Very pleased with this purchase.
My parents recently moved to assisted living! They dont have a lot of space in their apartment so this set is perfect! Very nice set! The chairs are very comfortable as well!
This table is heavy, beautiful to look at, well made and not that difficult to put together. The hardware is put together in a way that takes all the guesswork out. Do not hesitate to buy!
Sturdy, good quality work.
I bought this as a gift for my brother who live in an efficiency apartment. It was easy to assemble, is very sturdy, good quality material and fits perfectly in his place.
VERY light oak
Did not assemble. Opened box and found color was much lighter in picture. We did return it at no additional charge. Appeared to be nice heavy quality if you are looking for a very, very light oak.
Sturdy and perfect for a small space
We bought this for a small space for my Moms assisted living apartment. It needed to be sturdy, functional and pretty. This set was all of those things and not at all hard to assemble. Very pleased with this purchase.
Perfect fit
This table and chair set is perfect in the center of our kitchen.
Perfect fit
My parents recently moved to assisted living! They dont have a lot of space in their apartment so this set is perfect! Very nice set! The chairs are very comfortable as well!
Perfect for small space
This set is perfect for a small kitchen. It was relatively easy to assemble, is very sturdy, and looks great. The chairs are very comfortable as well.
Excellent for the price
Love this table for the price. However the table is somewhat wobbly.
Very happy with this purchase
This is a very nice small table and chairs.
This table is heavy, beautiful to look at, well made and not that difficult to put together. The hardware is put together in a way that takes all the guesswork out. Do not hesitate to buy!
breat little table
Instructions/pictures for assembly were great. Easy to put together and just a terrific little table
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