The chair exceeded my expectations. However massaging pillow left a little to be desired. It only has one r in it and it floats loose and free so it is never consistently in the same spot.
Bought these for my daughters (ages 16, 12 5) for Christmas. They love them! Super comfortable, they like that recline at different angles. My youngest sleeps on hers all the time.
The chair is very stiff and uncomfortable. The fabric is harsh.
future is great. Could not sit on the chair for more than 2 hours. Felt the metal under the base. Sent the item back.
Great value !
My son loves it! Uses it for gaming.
Gaming chair
My son uses this for his gaming chair. Much more comfortable than a regular gaming chair.
Very nice very comfortable chair. Everyone who saw it wanted one.
The chair exceeded my expectations. However massaging pillow left a little to be desired. It only has one r in it and it floats loose and free so it is never consistently in the same spot.
The massaging pillow is a plus
I bought this for my 14 year old granddaughter and she absolutely loves it!
Great purchase!
Bought these for my daughters (ages 16, 12 5) for Christmas. They love them! Super comfortable, they like that recline at different angles. My youngest sleeps on hers all the time.
My grandsons each have one and they love them.
Great idea, but very uncomfortable
The chair is very stiff and uncomfortable. The fabric is harsh. future is great. Could not sit on the chair for more than 2 hours. Felt the metal under the base. Sent the item back.
Great Seat!
Just what I was looking for. Comfortable because it has the reclining feature. I love it!
Good value
Great produce for the money. Be careful with partial decline as you may roll backwards to the floor
Wonderful chair!
Love it. Although I was sad to see I could have purchased one with / feature!!
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