Easy assembly, came faster than expected delivery date, and very sturdy. Assembly took roughly around an hour because seller had forgot to include instructions Im enjoying it so far!
The bed is easy to assemble and the instructions are very clear and straightforward. Its exactly what it looks like. The seller ships this product in super quick time. I received this bed in 2 days and on accurate address. This product is much better than what I ordered from wayfair. Exactly what I was looking for.
Sturdy and very pretty
Harder to assemble than others, but sturdy and strong. Very pretty Perfect in every way.
Beautiful bed
I really like this bed . And its very sturdy What a great buy!
Easy to assemble! You can even do it without instructions!
Easy assembly, came faster than expected delivery date, and very sturdy. Assembly took roughly around an hour because seller had forgot to include instructions Im enjoying it so far!
Im so inlove with my bed ey to put together and so niceee delivery is a blessing
The feeling the look So far Im super happy with it!
Easy to assemble and comfortable to sleep
The bed is easy to assemble and the instructions are very clear and straightforward. Its exactly what it looks like. The seller ships this product in super quick time. I received this bed in 2 days and on accurate address. This product is much better than what I ordered from wayfair. Exactly what I was looking for.
Aming product Nice style and color
The first bed came damaged by the shipping company.they immediately replaced it and sent out a new one!! It was great! Meets Expectations
Great Quality easy to assemble and comfortable with a good mattress! Looks so good!
Sturdy and looks so good
Its great, love how chic it makes my bedroom look! Very nice quality and looks nice.
Sturdy bed but low to the ground.
Pleasantly surprised with how sturdy the bed is. The hold is more golden but it looks great in our room! Worth every penny.
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