Easy to put together, not super high quality but it is for a temp situation, only has to last a year. Perfect for the price. Easy to assemble just takes a while
I bought his to replace my kids old bunk bed after its ladder broke. The ladder rungs are tubular not flat, so its not comfortable to climb. However, the bed is sturdy enough. I recommend that you make the ladder rungs flat the next time so that they give more support and are more comfortable. may be returning
I got this bed for my twins and they like it. Im not sure how it will hold up log term since they use it as a jungle gym at times but so far so good. It looks grey in person and not shinny at all which is a plus. I think this is a good option
After reading a few reviews and comparing to other products, we decided to purchase the silver bunk beds. This was the first set of bunks our kids have had. Our two boys share a room that is not very big.
This purchase has definitely met our needs. It opened up their bedroom and freed up some much needed space. The kids love it and the set up was not bad at all. Overall, took about an hour from beginning to end. LOVE LOVE LOVE
Four Stars
Good Needs better support
Five Stars
So far so good. very pleasantly surprised
Easy to put together, not for really big/heavy users.
Easy to put together, not super high quality but it is for a temp situation, only has to last a year. Perfect for the price. Easy to assemble just takes a while
OK but the ladder is not comfortable
I bought his to replace my kids old bunk bed after its ladder broke. The ladder rungs are tubular not flat, so its not comfortable to climb. However, the bed is sturdy enough. I recommend that you make the ladder rungs flat the next time so that they give more support and are more comfortable. may be returning
Easy to put together considering what it is and very .
Easy to put together considering what it is and very sturdy which is what you want for a bunk bed if you have wild kids like I do.
Five Stars
Strong and very nice color.
Looks nice
I got this bed for my twins and they like it. Im not sure how it will hold up log term since they use it as a jungle gym at times but so far so good. It looks grey in person and not shinny at all which is a plus. I think this is a good option
Worth it!
After reading a few reviews and comparing to other products, we decided to purchase the silver bunk beds. This was the first set of bunks our kids have had. Our two boys share a room that is not very big. This purchase has definitely met our needs. It opened up their bedroom and freed up some much needed space. The kids love it and the set up was not bad at all. Overall, took about an hour from beginning to end. LOVE LOVE LOVE
Five Stars
My kids love there bed.
Perfect, sturdy and I appreciated the fast shipping! This product is pretty decent for the price
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