Bought for my 4 year old daughter. She loves it and it looks nice in her room. Decent quality for the price. Great for kids. Exactly what I was looking for.
The product came in a million pieces which is normal for metal furniture but it was pretty easy to assemble. It took me and my daughter about 90 minutes. She loves the design and it is a good value for the money spent! Nice style and color
I live in my living room and this daybed looks great in it! It took a little long to get here, but I think that its on my end (I had ordered a daybed from another seller and never received it, so I bought this one close to my move in date). It was easy to assemble, with help from my sister/roommate holding up pieces while I screw things together. Would 100 recommend this bed frame. Meets Expectations
So pretty, fit perfectly, easy to assemble.
There is manual with it, but I will recommend make one side first and put other side after that. Looks so good!
This frame scratched SO easily. I honestly dont even know how the scratch in this photo happened. Unfortunately this is on the top and front of the frame so Ill have to use pillows to hide it.
Most of the steps to assemble were pretty easy, but I did struggle with the outermost slats fitting into position. I had to undo the side rail, position the slats, and then screw the side rail back in place (rather than the slats sliding right in as shown on the instructions).
I like the appearance and other than the scratches it is sturdy. Dont recommend this product.
We purchased this as a surpise for our 8 year old daughter. We love it, worth every penny. Easy to assemble by myself. Well I did have my 6 month old crawling around the room supervising the situation, she didnt even offer a hand but I was able to get ir together myself wirh no issue. I would buy again for sure! Directions were easy to follow but if they didnt come with it I am confident myself and 6 month old would have no trouble getting it together. Stickers on it (for following directions) were easy to remove and did not leave any residue. Loving it so far!
It is beautiful and sturdy. Easy to put together.
Word to the wise, dont tighten all the bolts at first (like I was always thought, thankfully) otherwise you cant get the slats for the bed put in. They are tight in there (like I like) Me likey!
Worth buying
Very easy to assemble and understand instructions. Looks great! So far Im super happy with it!
Perfect toddler bed
Bought for my 4 year old daughter. She loves it and it looks nice in her room. Decent quality for the price. Great for kids. Exactly what I was looking for.
Good purchase!
The product came in a million pieces which is normal for metal furniture but it was pretty easy to assemble. It took me and my daughter about 90 minutes. She loves the design and it is a good value for the money spent! Nice style and color
Easy to Assemble and Looks Aming
I live in my living room and this daybed looks great in it! It took a little long to get here, but I think that its on my end (I had ordered a daybed from another seller and never received it, so I bought this one close to my move in date). It was easy to assemble, with help from my sister/roommate holding up pieces while I screw things together. Would 100 recommend this bed frame. Meets Expectations
Pretty, Fit Perfectly.
So pretty, fit perfectly, easy to assemble. There is manual with it, but I will recommend make one side first and put other side after that. Looks so good!
Its good
I like it, it took me 2 hours to assemble by myself, but it looks good and is comfortable Very nice quality and looks nice.
Surface scratches very easily
This frame scratched SO easily. I honestly dont even know how the scratch in this photo happened. Unfortunately this is on the top and front of the frame so Ill have to use pillows to hide it. Most of the steps to assemble were pretty easy, but I did struggle with the outermost slats fitting into position. I had to undo the side rail, position the slats, and then screw the side rail back in place (rather than the slats sliding right in as shown on the instructions). I like the appearance and other than the scratches it is sturdy. Dont recommend this product.
It looks just like the picture. Its a beautiful bed frame and its easy to assemble . I have no complaints about it . Worth every penny.
Would buy again!
We purchased this as a surpise for our 8 year old daughter. We love it, worth every penny. Easy to assemble by myself. Well I did have my 6 month old crawling around the room supervising the situation, she didnt even offer a hand but I was able to get ir together myself wirh no issue. I would buy again for sure! Directions were easy to follow but if they didnt come with it I am confident myself and 6 month old would have no trouble getting it together. Stickers on it (for following directions) were easy to remove and did not leave any residue. Loving it so far!
Excellent purchase
It is beautiful and sturdy. Easy to put together. Word to the wise, dont tighten all the bolts at first (like I was always thought, thankfully) otherwise you cant get the slats for the bed put in. They are tight in there (like I like) Me likey!
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