The chair is very easy to assembly and the legs are fairly sturdy. The cusion on the seat is a nice touch and makes you feel very comfortable. My only complaint is that the chair doesnt see to be designed with ergonomics in mind/ if you actually lean back, its very awkward and the back rest doesnt seem to be designed to hold much weight. So far meets my expectations
The chair is super comfortable, easy to assemble, and I love how it looks!! Its pretty sturdy but just a little bit wobbly, but overall I would highly recommend and its a fantastic price for what you get. Its a fantastic price.
Fast and easy assembly, my 16 year old daughter did it in just minutes. The chair is for her makeup vanity. I can not believe how comfortable it is and extremely sturdy. I was shocked at the quality. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
I got this for my daughters room. She likes it a lot and said that it is comfortable. She uses it M/F for school. Its very easy to put together it took about 10 min. Absolutely awesome product!!
I really like this chair! It took about five minutes to assemble and it feels really sturdy (for reference, Im about 150lbs). Very comfortable, too. Great find!!
I am using this as a desk chair currently. It was very easy to put together, it is extremely sturdy and has a bit of cushioning. I usually keep a blanket over it because the material gets cold in the AC. It also helps to keep your skin from sticking to it if you are wearing shorts. I keep a small pillow on it for my lower back. I am on the short side and I find that sitting all the way back is uncomfortable for me. It has a clean, sleek look and is a good value. Very easy to keep clean. This is a cute design,
Nice chair, but little back support
The chair is very easy to assembly and the legs are fairly sturdy. The cusion on the seat is a nice touch and makes you feel very comfortable. My only complaint is that the chair doesnt see to be designed with ergonomics in mind/ if you actually lean back, its very awkward and the back rest doesnt seem to be designed to hold much weight. So far meets my expectations
Love it!
Great chair! Lovely for the price
Love it!
The chair is super comfortable, easy to assemble, and I love how it looks!! Its pretty sturdy but just a little bit wobbly, but overall I would highly recommend and its a fantastic price for what you get. Its a fantastic price.
Sturdy and easy to put together.
Fast and easy assembly, my 16 year old daughter did it in just minutes. The chair is for her makeup vanity. I can not believe how comfortable it is and extremely sturdy. I was shocked at the quality. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Great chair
I got this for my daughters room. She likes it a lot and said that it is comfortable. She uses it M/F for school. Its very easy to put together it took about 10 min. Absolutely awesome product!!
Great value!
I love this chair! Looks very nice and very comfortable, made very well! Great value. Really Happy!!
Exactly as described, sturdier than expected
I really like this chair! It took about five minutes to assemble and it feels really sturdy (for reference, Im about 150lbs). Very comfortable, too. Great find!!
Love it!
I love it!! Very comfortable to seat on and easy to assemble. Highly recommended! This was definitely a good choice.
Good desk chair
I am using this as a desk chair currently. It was very easy to put together, it is extremely sturdy and has a bit of cushioning. I usually keep a blanket over it because the material gets cold in the AC. It also helps to keep your skin from sticking to it if you are wearing shorts. I keep a small pillow on it for my lower back. I am on the short side and I find that sitting all the way back is uncomfortable for me. It has a clean, sleek look and is a good value. Very easy to keep clean. This is a cute design,
You cant beat it for the price!
It is comfortable and sturdy! 10/10 would recommend. Dont over think it, youll love it!!
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