It took about an hour for me to put it all together. At first I was intimidated by all the pieces, but it was super easy and very straightforward! I am happy with how sturdy it is as well, all in all, a pretty good buy. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Affordable! Like the height, head board keeps pillow in place, foot board keeps mattress in place. Wondered if it would be squeaky but it is not. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
This bed took me some time to assemble. I have a difficult time standing for long. I was hoping for more words then pictures in the instructions. But once the bed was together it was beautiful. It is easy to move even with my mattress on it and doesnt sag at all. Would definitely recommend Decent for the price
This bed frame is aming. Super way to out together, sturdy and cute. Perfect for my 7 year old but my whole family has been using it and its so comfortable. Comfortable and high quality!
It is pretty but very very hard to assemble.
It is very hard to assemble. But as the review said, once finished, the bed looks good. Functional design
Good but
So far I love the frame! Only issue is that my package was missing 5 of the C bolts so now I have to go pick them up Good and inexpensive
Good price and good quality
a twin size for my 7 year old. nice and firm. I like this one.
Great for the price
It took about an hour for me to put it all together. At first I was intimidated by all the pieces, but it was super easy and very straightforward! I am happy with how sturdy it is as well, all in all, a pretty good buy. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Cute, quiet, just what we needed
Affordable! Like the height, head board keeps pillow in place, foot board keeps mattress in place. Wondered if it would be squeaky but it is not. Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
2 people
It can take 2 people to assemble toward the end but overall we are happy Style and purpose
Light weight but sturdy
This bed took me some time to assemble. I have a difficult time standing for long. I was hoping for more words then pictures in the instructions. But once the bed was together it was beautiful. It is easy to move even with my mattress on it and doesnt sag at all. Would definitely recommend Decent for the price
Best bed frame
This bed frame is aming. Super way to out together, sturdy and cute. Perfect for my 7 year old but my whole family has been using it and its so comfortable. Comfortable and high quality!
Great product through and through. ALL GOOD!
There is no visual deception
It exceeded my expectations, it is very strong and it is very pretty, it is perfect in my daughters room. So far meets my expectations
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