Good value, easy to assemble and solid piece. All tools included, so it was a breeze to put together. Just a little smaller than I wanted, but the cushion is firm and the bench is well made. Fit well.
The packaging came in a very sturdy box. no damage on the box inside and out. I had no problem assembling the bench and I am not a patient one or am technically challenged. But I got it done in no time at all. It came with everything you need for assembly. Even my husband liked it! Of course, the dimensions were perfect for the spot I intended to use it for (I measured before I ordered). The seat was very firm but comfortable, perfect height to use to either remove or put on shoes. I have a small laundry room and have no place to drop off things before I get in the house. This bench is perfect for that! Just fine.
This was quick and easy to assemble and it looks great. Only thing to notate is it does move slightly if you are sitting on it and putting on boots but it does not feel like it is going to break. Looks great.
The bench came well packaged with no damage. It was very easy to assemble the bench using the two included tools (small allen wrench and nut holder) taking only about 15 minutes to put together. The padded top is comfortable for sitting. The bench is used to put on and take off boots by the front door. Could be little cheaper.
Before you order this, check the dimensions given against the dimensions of the place you have for it. If you are sure that it will fit and not block your entryway, then order it. It helps to assemble it if you have three hands, but I managed to succeed with only two, and you can, too. Once you have completed assembly, and it fits where you want it to be, you have a good/looking little bench with a padded seat and shelves for keeping handy your shoes, slippers or whatever. I dont know what else I can say: if this is what you want, its exactly what you want. Order it, and stop hopping around on one foot while you try to put on your shoes (and tie them, too, if you are one of those old/fashioned people). Lots of space.
Attractive shoe bench
Good value, easy to assemble and solid piece. All tools included, so it was a breeze to put together. Just a little smaller than I wanted, but the cushion is firm and the bench is well made. Fit well.
Very satisfied!
The packaging came in a very sturdy box. no damage on the box inside and out. I had no problem assembling the bench and I am not a patient one or am technically challenged. But I got it done in no time at all. It came with everything you need for assembly. Even my husband liked it! Of course, the dimensions were perfect for the spot I intended to use it for (I measured before I ordered). The seat was very firm but comfortable, perfect height to use to either remove or put on shoes. I have a small laundry room and have no place to drop off things before I get in the house. This bench is perfect for that! Just fine.
nice for price
Used it for kitchen entry to i have a place for shoes so I dont trip. Definitely worth it.
Quick and easy to put together
Its great for a small space besides the bench like the shelves and several pairs of shoes storage. We used ours in our RV. Good one.
So great I bought another one!
This was quick and easy to assemble and it looks great. Only thing to notate is it does move slightly if you are sitting on it and putting on boots but it does not feel like it is going to break. Looks great.
Great Look At A Great Price !!
Perfect for what we needed for Guests shoes !! Love that its bamboo very sturdy . Would definitely recommend to a Friend . Nicely made.
Very sturdy
Easy to assemble fits it small spaces. Great Value.
Its exactly as pictured and looks beautiful and of good quality! But it still works great.
Shoe bench/rake
The bench came well packaged with no damage. It was very easy to assemble the bench using the two included tools (small allen wrench and nut holder) taking only about 15 minutes to put together. The padded top is comfortable for sitting. The bench is used to put on and take off boots by the front door. Could be little cheaper.
Gives you exactly what you need
Before you order this, check the dimensions given against the dimensions of the place you have for it. If you are sure that it will fit and not block your entryway, then order it. It helps to assemble it if you have three hands, but I managed to succeed with only two, and you can, too. Once you have completed assembly, and it fits where you want it to be, you have a good/looking little bench with a padded seat and shelves for keeping handy your shoes, slippers or whatever. I dont know what else I can say: if this is what you want, its exactly what you want. Order it, and stop hopping around on one foot while you try to put on your shoes (and tie them, too, if you are one of those old/fashioned people). Lots of space.
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