I read all the reviews, but this bed was super easy to assemble, and is very well made. I would have given the bed 5 stars but I had one problem one of the welds on the top of the Ladder was cracked I had to do minor repair myself. The bed is super sturdy and my 2 boys 5 and 3 love to climb on the bed. Better directions.
We love it! Just wish it was not so tall I recommend lowering the top bunk 3 ft. I dont think most people need that much space to crawl out of the bottom bunk. Very nice.
I love this bed. The assembly was super easy. They sent extra pieces of each, which most of the competition do not. I bought the full over full and it is very sturdy even for adults. Its sleek and looks very well in my smallest room of the house. Ikea shoppers give DPH a look.I highly recommend it Would definitely buy again.
I love it
Its very good. I lave it. It was perfect!
Good buy
Its not as sturdy as I thought it would be Very cute.
Better than Ikea
My boys helped us put it together and it is working great. This was easier than the last one we bought from Ikea!!! Love it.
Great bed for a great price
I read all the reviews, but this bed was super easy to assemble, and is very well made. I would have given the bed 5 stars but I had one problem one of the welds on the top of the Ladder was cracked I had to do minor repair myself. The bed is super sturdy and my 2 boys 5 and 3 love to climb on the bed. Better directions.
We love it! Just wish it was not so tall I recommend lowering the top bunk 3 ft. I dont think most people need that much space to crawl out of the bottom bunk. Very nice.
Great product.
I love this bed. The assembly was super easy. They sent extra pieces of each, which most of the competition do not. I bought the full over full and it is very sturdy even for adults. Its sleek and looks very well in my smallest room of the house. Ikea shoppers give DPH a look.I highly recommend it Would definitely buy again.
You get what you pay
Do the job Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
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