We chose this console/cabinet for our foyer, and it works well for that purpose. Its a lightweight, inexpensive piece of furniture, and it looks like it, but it works for what we needed, and the price was right. Assembly was not easy, but it wasnt terrible. Perfect in every way.
Easy enough to assemble if I had all the parts! Missing screws for the handles, and no way to contact seller directly via the item in my orders. Baggies of screws and parts had the numbers all out of order too making us have to stop and figure it out multiple times, taking longer. Disappointed. Overall you got what you paid for.
It was pretty easy to put together just make sure you follow the directions and do a pre/check to make sure all items are there and not rush things. Patience is key. What a great buy!
Well, this was a b and a half to put together. Parts dont fit the way they are meant to and the instructions tell you to use screws that arent actually long enough to be put where it says to. we had to totally skip some steps of assembly because it was physically impossible. But we did our best and it works I guess. Its pretty for what we paid for it and functions how I need it to. If you buy just be prepared to have a lot of help with assembly and be prepared to get frustrated. Hope to improve in the future
Fairly easy to assemble, the drawer handles were annoying and the magnet is a little wonky. Overall, Im happy with the product. So far Im super happy with it!
Some of the pieces had scratched. The only piece that kinda annoyed me was the front door has a little of a quarter sized area that looks like someone sanded part of the laminate out. The other part is the back plastic pieces do not screw in very well. But, i think that is minor. Overall, Im pretty please with the product. I just wish the door didnt have that blemish. Exactly what I was looking for.
Love this cabinet!!
We are so happy with this cabinet! It is so cute, sturdy and great quality for the price!!! Very pretty.
Good piece for the price
We chose this console/cabinet for our foyer, and it works well for that purpose. Its a lightweight, inexpensive piece of furniture, and it looks like it, but it works for what we needed, and the price was right. Assembly was not easy, but it wasnt terrible. Perfect in every way.
Good if you have all parts
Easy enough to assemble if I had all the parts! Missing screws for the handles, and no way to contact seller directly via the item in my orders. Baggies of screws and parts had the numbers all out of order too making us have to stop and figure it out multiple times, taking longer. Disappointed. Overall you got what you paid for.
Good job
It was pretty easy to put together just make sure you follow the directions and do a pre/check to make sure all items are there and not rush things. Patience is key. What a great buy!
Very nice look!
Great value for the money. No one would guess I paid as little as this costs. Im enjoying it so far!
Horrible to assemble but pretty
Well, this was a b and a half to put together. Parts dont fit the way they are meant to and the instructions tell you to use screws that arent actually long enough to be put where it says to. we had to totally skip some steps of assembly because it was physically impossible. But we did our best and it works I guess. Its pretty for what we paid for it and functions how I need it to. If you buy just be prepared to have a lot of help with assembly and be prepared to get frustrated. Hope to improve in the future
Decent purchase.
Fairly easy to assemble, the drawer handles were annoying and the magnet is a little wonky. Overall, Im happy with the product. So far Im super happy with it!
Easy to put together, but had some quality issues
Some of the pieces had scratched. The only piece that kinda annoyed me was the front door has a little of a quarter sized area that looks like someone sanded part of the laminate out. The other part is the back plastic pieces do not screw in very well. But, i think that is minor. Overall, Im pretty please with the product. I just wish the door didnt have that blemish. Exactly what I was looking for.
Looks nice!
Greet product. Happy with it! Nice style and color
Great unique mid century piece
It looks great, good quality and great value for the money. It was shipped very quickly. I love it Meets Expectations
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