Nightstand was fairly easy to put together tho some screws cracked the paint around the holes/ not noticeable on outside. The light is nice to have/ different color options. Good value for the money.
I bought this for the outlets on top to charge phones. It is not very sturdy, but the drawers slide well, it was easy to assemble and it serves the purpose. Its also a great height.
I bought this for my teenage son. It looks cool from a distance and he likes it, but I am sure it wont survive long in a teenagers room. It was easy to assemble, but during the process we had particle board crumbling and the white surface chipping off in some areas. The lighting was very easy to install, but is nothing more than an led strip you could purchase on for a few dollars. Because it was literally falling apart during assembly, I dont think every day use as a nightstand is going to hold up for long. For over 100, I expected a bit more.
Assembly took some time but it wasnt too complicated. I purchased this as a gift for my 15 yr old son. It is the perfect size and he likes it. Sturdy and dependable.
The phone charging ports and the blue lights
Its awesome. Can change your phone while working in your office
As advertised
Nightstand was fairly easy to put together tho some screws cracked the paint around the holes/ not noticeable on outside. The light is nice to have/ different color options. Good value for the money.
love the outlets on top
I bought this for the outlets on top to charge phones. It is not very sturdy, but the drawers slide well, it was easy to assemble and it serves the purpose. Its also a great height.
Love it
Great quality, easy to assemble. Will get another one soon.
Compared to furniture, this thing is junk
I bought this for my teenage son. It looks cool from a distance and he likes it, but I am sure it wont survive long in a teenagers room. It was easy to assemble, but during the process we had particle board crumbling and the white surface chipping off in some areas. The lighting was very easy to install, but is nothing more than an led strip you could purchase on for a few dollars. Because it was literally falling apart during assembly, I dont think every day use as a nightstand is going to hold up for long. For over 100, I expected a bit more.
Good Product
Very Nice Nightstand. A little darker than pictured but I prefer it. Wireless charger works aming, LED lights nice touch.
Outstanding nightstand
My husband and I put this together quickly. Love the light show and ports for my electronics Just enough drawers for easy access to often used items
Good product exactly what was described
Solid piece of wood easy to put together if u know how to use a screwdriver and a little patience
Great night stand !
Assembly took some time but it wasnt too complicated. I purchased this as a gift for my 15 yr old son. It is the perfect size and he likes it. Sturdy and dependable.
Very nice
Nice piece of furniture
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