The bed frame came in 4 boxes. Directions are easy. If you try to assemble make sure you give yourself enough time. Took me about 5 hours to assemble myself.
This thing is super sturdy, comes with a bunch of convenient drawers and just looks nice. just make sure you get some power tools, they definitely help
So this furniture is a beast but extremely sturdy. The extra compartments underneath are amazing. Now as for putting it together it can be done by 1 person if youre a crazy person I highly recommend having 2 people and at least 8 hrs to put this completely together not counting the time it takes to get everything out of the box. A great value I do recommend buying the headboard as well or you will have a small space between the wall and frame where pillows get stuck. Other then that worth every penny.
It looks good when assembled, but its impossible to ignore how cheap the materials are when youre assembling it. I get that the shipping alone factors for $100 of the purchase price, but the margins on this thing must be amazing.
At the price being charged, I was definitely expecting better quality wood, finish and hardware. Solid pine means 1 (actually 3/4) thick, 3 wide boards, pressed and glued together to form the larger panels. Given plans and a table saw, you could DIY one of these (mine is a King) for about $200.
Lost a star for the cheap wood and another for the sloppy finish. Overall, Im still satisfied with the bed, but would be much more so if I hadnt overpaid.
Easy assemble, takes time.
The bed frame came in 4 boxes. Directions are easy. If you try to assemble make sure you give yourself enough time. Took me about 5 hours to assemble myself.
Cheap, comfy, no bed bugs!
Comfy, easy to open/unroll and NO BED BUGS. I saw several reviews after ordering that really scared me. We ordered 2 of these and have had no issues!
Took a while to assemble by myself but honestly it was worth it
This thing is super sturdy, comes with a bunch of convenient drawers and just looks nice. just make sure you get some power tools, they definitely help
Beautiful platform storage bed for the Price!
Likes: looks great, lots of storage. Dislikes: hard to put together. lots of pieces but instructions are provided. love the bed for the price,
So much storage we haven’t used it all!
Very sturdy with plenty of storage! Takes a long time to put together but not difficult. Loved how it looked in our ‘coastal’ bedroom
Great product.
So this furniture is a beast but extremely sturdy. The extra compartments underneath are amazing. Now as for putting it together it can be done by 1 person if youre a crazy person I highly recommend having 2 people and at least 8 hrs to put this completely together not counting the time it takes to get everything out of the box. A great value I do recommend buying the headboard as well or you will have a small space between the wall and frame where pillows get stuck. Other then that worth every penny.
New bed
Very easy to put together. My daughters love it. I like the extra drawers we have on the trundle
Looks good, with practical storage, but cheap materials dont justify the price.
It looks good when assembled, but its impossible to ignore how cheap the materials are when youre assembling it. I get that the shipping alone factors for $100 of the purchase price, but the margins on this thing must be amazing. At the price being charged, I was definitely expecting better quality wood, finish and hardware. Solid pine means 1 (actually 3/4) thick, 3 wide boards, pressed and glued together to form the larger panels. Given plans and a table saw, you could DIY one of these (mine is a King) for about $200. Lost a star for the cheap wood and another for the sloppy finish. Overall, Im still satisfied with the bed, but would be much more so if I hadnt overpaid.
Well designed
Every screw was accounted for. No spares so don’t loose one. Went together pretty well. Good height sturdy would by again.
Nice bed
I am very satisfied with this purchase
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