Purchase made for granddaughter. Larger than in pictures and She loves it easy to assemble. Add mattress and you are good to go and it was delivered earlier than expected Lots of space.
The but? Its a bear to put together by yourself. As a 70/year/old woman, it took me a few hours to get creative to assemble this bed. It is very sturdy, so I dont think thats an issue. The instructions were par for the course / lots of pictures and screws going everywhere. All parts are numbered with stickers. All parts are wrapped in plastic for protection. I made one mistake in the center joint and had to unscrew two screws to put another on, but all in all it worked out okay. All parts were there. The metal is very nice. No scratches or dents. Putting the platform bars in are a struggle. I used a soft cloth over the end and tapped with a hammer, which worked fine. Its good value for the money. Matress arrives next week. Now I need an extended nap. What a workout! Needs.
Takes a few to get I the groove of putting it together but then its pretty Easy. We had to use a mallet to bang the platform pieces I to place so just make sure you have one or a hammer when you begin. For 95 bucks it does the job. Yes please!
Best bed ever
Purchase made for granddaughter. Larger than in pictures and She loves it easy to assemble. Add mattress and you are good to go and it was delivered earlier than expected Lots of space.
Sturdy, but
The but? Its a bear to put together by yourself. As a 70/year/old woman, it took me a few hours to get creative to assemble this bed. It is very sturdy, so I dont think thats an issue. The instructions were par for the course / lots of pictures and screws going everywhere. All parts are numbered with stickers. All parts are wrapped in plastic for protection. I made one mistake in the center joint and had to unscrew two screws to put another on, but all in all it worked out okay. All parts were there. The metal is very nice. No scratches or dents. Putting the platform bars in are a struggle. I used a soft cloth over the end and tapped with a hammer, which worked fine. Its good value for the money. Matress arrives next week. Now I need an extended nap. What a workout! Needs.
Dope beds
I love my kids bed frames. However, one of the frames came late but other than that I highly recommend it!!!! Buy It.
I like it Fits.
It works
Takes a few to get I the groove of putting it together but then its pretty Easy. We had to use a mallet to bang the platform pieces I to place so just make sure you have one or a hammer when you begin. For 95 bucks it does the job. Yes please!
Super easy to put together. Perfect for a child. Would recommend a non slip mattress pad. Worked for my use.
Good beds
Good little beds for the price. Got them for the grandchildren ages 57. Went together easily. Very helpful.
Its a nice frame
Its a small frame but it works for my space. Doesnt take up much room Very compact.
Very sturdy
I bought two and they both came on wonderful condition. Easy to put together and very sturdy!!! Buy it Very nice product!
Its hard to assemble at first but its simple once you get the hang of it
I was hard to assemble but after two hours I got the hang of it. But besides that its all good Well made. It was just what I wanted.
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