This bed is well made and relatively easy to put together. It is an attractive color and finish. My teenage boys, who are both over 6 ft tall, fit well and comfortably on this. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
easy to setup and seems good quality. only thing i dont really like about it is all the square edges, the kids can hurt themselves when bumping into it. Smaller than I expected.
Very nice bed. My son absolutely loves it because it. So, I assembled it late st night after getting home from work around 1am. It took me about 3 hours to assemble it. The box is really heavy, so get a second person to lift it, if possible. My box did not have instructions, but I found them online. Fairly simple to assemble, but a lot of parts. I feel like there are some design flaws like the round steps and round slats which would both be better off being flat. And all the plastic pieces that need to go on towards the end are a bit of a headache, but I guess they keep the slats more stable and prevent squeaking and moving. It was a good price and it feels fairly sturdy. Overall, a very good bed for kids, Pretty sturdy. Good size.
We got this bed for our two boys (9 and 7) and it seems perfect so far. We put it up a couple weeks ago, it was easy to put together (just me and my hand) and seems sturdy as well. Really Worth it
For the price, it was what I expected. My son absolutely loves it. It takes some time to assemble and there were 4 missing bolts that we had to go buy. Also, shipping kept getting delayed. Other than those things, Im satisfied. Quality could be improved.
Good buy/Sturdy bed
This bed is well made and relatively easy to put together. It is an attractive color and finish. My teenage boys, who are both over 6 ft tall, fit well and comfortably on this. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Love it.
Love this! Easy to set up. Sturdy! Solid and basic.
Good bed
easy to setup and seems good quality. only thing i dont really like about it is all the square edges, the kids can hurt themselves when bumping into it. Smaller than I expected.
very sturdy
instruction were easy to follow Nice well made.
Solid design and very simple to assemble. Everything was labeled properly and directions walked you through it. Quality products.
My son loves it
Very nice bed. My son absolutely loves it because it. So, I assembled it late st night after getting home from work around 1am. It took me about 3 hours to assemble it. The box is really heavy, so get a second person to lift it, if possible. My box did not have instructions, but I found them online. Fairly simple to assemble, but a lot of parts. I feel like there are some design flaws like the round steps and round slats which would both be better off being flat. And all the plastic pieces that need to go on towards the end are a bit of a headache, but I guess they keep the slats more stable and prevent squeaking and moving. It was a good price and it feels fairly sturdy. Overall, a very good bed for kids, Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Easy to put together
We got this bed for our two boys (9 and 7) and it seems perfect so far. We put it up a couple weeks ago, it was easy to put together (just me and my hand) and seems sturdy as well. Really Worth it
Missing bolts
For the price, it was what I expected. My son absolutely loves it. It takes some time to assemble and there were 4 missing bolts that we had to go buy. Also, shipping kept getting delayed. Other than those things, Im satisfied. Quality could be improved.
It was a little beat up Not so bad.
Well made easy to assemble
Easy to assemble, parts clearly marked took 2 of us about 2 hours. The frame is sturdy and well made. They ship a few extra parts. My son loves it!!
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