Comfortable, and looks nice too. It was a little confusing to assemble at first, poor instructions but once I figured it out it was pretty simple. Very sturdy, looks beautiful, works great for my purpose of storing small books and photo albums. Great value for the money!
Overall very happy with my purchase! I like the storage cabinet. I actually love it. Its very stylish. Goes with my decor and It serves the purpose that I want it for. I can understand some of the other reviewers frustrations though and heres why I did not give it 5 stars: The product was extremely dusty out of the box. Almost dirty. The back panel was slightly cracked and its extremely flimsy (I had to put tape over the fold for reinforcement). But its in the back so it didnt bother me. There were some surface scratches but luckily most were in hidden places. Two are visible but not an eyesore. The instructions are complete trash. Not a word in sight or a description of what was the front, back, left, right of any of the pieces. You really have to be savvy with assembling to understand them. It did not take me long to put together even though the bottom panel had NO HOLES whatsoever to install the little peg legs. I had to hammer the nails to start a hole then screw the rest of the way (I have no powers drill). You definitely DO NOT want to store anything heavy inside this cabinet. The little pegs will not withstand the weight.
great for the low price Servers my purpose and looks decent for the price, but was a little hard to put them together as the instructions werent clear and some holes were missing.
Easy to assemble, light smell Easy to assemble and nice looking. Only issue, I wear a size 11, when shoes are straight in, the doors wont close. So, I loose space having to angle them.
I most definitely love it For the price I paid, Im pleased. I wasnt expecting heirloom quality, so it works. Ours came in good shape with no scratches and all its pieces. Took about an hour to assemble. I knew I wouldnt like the knobs so I purchased different pulls at the same time which really makes it look richer I think. We are using it as a liquor cabinet and printer shelf, and havent had any issues with it being unstable.
Classy shoe cupboard!
Great product at great price I think this is a gorgeous piece if furniture. It was easy to assemble with my husband.
Easy to put together
Love this item
Works great for me! Beautiful, stylish and inexpensive!
Comfortable, and looks nice too. It was a little confusing to assemble at first, poor instructions but once I figured it out it was pretty simple. Very sturdy, looks beautiful, works great for my purpose of storing small books and photo albums. Great value for the money!
I like it! Its decent for the price
Overall very happy with my purchase! I like the storage cabinet. I actually love it. Its very stylish. Goes with my decor and It serves the purpose that I want it for. I can understand some of the other reviewers frustrations though and heres why I did not give it 5 stars: The product was extremely dusty out of the box. Almost dirty. The back panel was slightly cracked and its extremely flimsy (I had to put tape over the fold for reinforcement). But its in the back so it didnt bother me. There were some surface scratches but luckily most were in hidden places. Two are visible but not an eyesore. The instructions are complete trash. Not a word in sight or a description of what was the front, back, left, right of any of the pieces. You really have to be savvy with assembling to understand them. It did not take me long to put together even though the bottom panel had NO HOLES whatsoever to install the little peg legs. I had to hammer the nails to start a hole then screw the rest of the way (I have no powers drill). You definitely DO NOT want to store anything heavy inside this cabinet. The little pegs will not withstand the weight.
Need a little patience to put them together
great for the low price Servers my purpose and looks decent for the price, but was a little hard to put them together as the instructions werent clear and some holes were missing.
Nice shoe storage, check measurements first
Easy to assemble, light smell Easy to assemble and nice looking. Only issue, I wear a size 11, when shoes are straight in, the doors wont close. So, I loose space having to angle them.
Look great
Appropriate for the price This is my second. First one I used for shoes, the second for odds and ends that are usually taking over my desk.
Love it!
Great quality for the price. Very beautiful and a good quality piece of furniture!
Like it
Looks nice
Serves its purpose
I most definitely love it For the price I paid, Im pleased. I wasnt expecting heirloom quality, so it works. Ours came in good shape with no scratches and all its pieces. Took about an hour to assemble. I knew I wouldnt like the knobs so I purchased different pulls at the same time which really makes it look richer I think. We are using it as a liquor cabinet and printer shelf, and havent had any issues with it being unstable.
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