Fairly easy to assemble, directions were a little confusing. Headboard is a lot smaller than we thought it would be, but a great sturdy bed. Also, the color is darker than we thought it would be too. Husband was surprised by the sturdiness and quality of the bed. Great deal for the price. It was easy.
Easy to put together. Color of paint true to what is pictured.
Sturdy. I have a heavy queen mattress on the frame w. no box spring.
Much prefer mattress right on the wood slats. No sliding, no squeaking.
Also like that the frame is 10 off the floor. You can still store stuff under the bed
if you want to. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Whoever wrote the instructions gets an A+. They were super easy to follow and you didnt need an engineering degree to figure out how all the pieces fit together. The bed is extremely sturdy. Sturdy.
I ordered this bed frame for the look of it, even though there were a lot of bad reviews. Sure enough, in less than 6 months of having it, the side cracked in half. All I did was sit gently on the side of the bed, and I weigh less than 150 pounds, it should not have cracked that easily. I propped it up for a temporary fix, and contacted customer support. It was a big hassle and took weeks of emails (the replacement part was supposed to ship, then they didnt have it, then I was waiting on confirmation) and finally since they did not have the replacement part, they issued me a check for the full amount of the bed back. Very nice of them, but honestly such a hassle. Do NOT buy this bed! Holds things.
Great sturdy bed, worth the money
Fairly easy to assemble, directions were a little confusing. Headboard is a lot smaller than we thought it would be, but a great sturdy bed. Also, the color is darker than we thought it would be too. Husband was surprised by the sturdiness and quality of the bed. Great deal for the price. It was easy.
Accurately described
Easy to put together. Color of paint true to what is pictured. Sturdy. I have a heavy queen mattress on the frame w. no box spring. Much prefer mattress right on the wood slats. No sliding, no squeaking. Also like that the frame is 10 off the floor. You can still store stuff under the bed if you want to. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
So impressed!
Had a couple of dings but nothing major. Super easy to put together and it looks so nice. Super sturdy and high quality! Great value. Very sturdy.
Super easy to assemble
Whoever wrote the instructions gets an A+. They were super easy to follow and you didnt need an engineering degree to figure out how all the pieces fit together. The bed is extremely sturdy. Sturdy.
Looks good not sure if it will last
It was simple to assemble, looks good but I am not sure it will last Not bad.
Looks great, easy assembly
Easy to put together , I really like this bed Worth it!!!
Falls apart SO easily
I ordered this bed frame for the look of it, even though there were a lot of bad reviews. Sure enough, in less than 6 months of having it, the side cracked in half. All I did was sit gently on the side of the bed, and I weigh less than 150 pounds, it should not have cracked that easily. I propped it up for a temporary fix, and contacted customer support. It was a big hassle and took weeks of emails (the replacement part was supposed to ship, then they didnt have it, then I was waiting on confirmation) and finally since they did not have the replacement part, they issued me a check for the full amount of the bed back. Very nice of them, but honestly such a hassle. Do NOT buy this bed! Holds things.
Wonderfull !!!
It is a great bed and does not take up a lot of room. Bought it for my Granddaughter Simple and easy to put together.
So far so good.
Time will show. Feels pretty sturdy for a slim person.Good.
Stylish and perfect for a room where space may be an issue. Pretty much adds just a few inches to the mattress size. Ok.
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