Its not a bad deal considering the price but I was expecting it to feel a bit more sturdy and less like an Ikea piece. However, it does the job and looks great.
Looks nice afer put together, perfectly fit into my entry. easy to assemble with all the pieces labeled.
I dont think it’s very sturdy, especially in the drawers, the bars are pretty flimsy. but of course, for this price, you can’t ask for much.
Purchased it for our entryway. The size is perfect. We also needed a place for masks, wipes, etc so the kids can grab and go. The top storage fit the bill. The ONLY reason I took off a star is b/c the finish scratches easily and it’s not quite as sturdy as I’d like.
To fix those problems we:
1. Added white contact paper to the shelves to minimize scratches
2. added corner braces to help stabilize the seat.
3. Also added pads to stop the top from slamming; but that’s a ‘my kids allows the top to slam’ problem not necessarily a manufacturer problem.
Despite these modifications I wld still recommend.
It was easy to assemble. No residue paint smell. Hold enough shoes for regular uses. The seating pad is hard enough so it does not sink down when I sit on it to remove or put on my shoes. The seat does not feel rickety and seems to hold my weight well (under 100 lbs). I pair it with a small cabinet for small hallway entrance.
This bench was easy to assemble and definitely better quality than other put-together furniture I’ve bought. The different sized compartments fit a variety of shoe types and the hidden compartment will be great for gloves, winter hats, etc.
I use this bench as my TV stand (removing the cushion, of course!) The white finish is a perfect compliment to the beachy decor of the room. My husband bought the grey bench for his office as a window seat.
Does what it’s designed to do
Takes two people to put it together. But once done it is very sturdy.
It was easy to assemble, sturdy and it does exactly what is supposed to do, is a bench and he holds six pairs of shoes.
Difficult to assemble but worth the effort. Fits in small places.
Difficult to assemble but worth the effort.
Not perfect but not bad
Its not a bad deal considering the price but I was expecting it to feel a bit more sturdy and less like an Ikea piece. However, it does the job and looks great.
Stylish entry bench for the budget
Looks nice afer put together, perfectly fit into my entry. easy to assemble with all the pieces labeled. I dont think it’s very sturdy, especially in the drawers, the bars are pretty flimsy. but of course, for this price, you can’t ask for much.
Works well for its intended purpose
Purchased it for our entryway. The size is perfect. We also needed a place for masks, wipes, etc so the kids can grab and go. The top storage fit the bill. The ONLY reason I took off a star is b/c the finish scratches easily and it’s not quite as sturdy as I’d like. To fix those problems we: 1. Added white contact paper to the shelves to minimize scratches 2. added corner braces to help stabilize the seat. 3. Also added pads to stop the top from slamming; but that’s a ‘my kids allows the top to slam’ problem not necessarily a manufacturer problem. Despite these modifications I wld still recommend.
Works well
Easy to assemble. Nice and sturdy.
Good for small space
It was easy to assemble. No residue paint smell. Hold enough shoes for regular uses. The seating pad is hard enough so it does not sink down when I sit on it to remove or put on my shoes. The seat does not feel rickety and seems to hold my weight well (under 100 lbs). I pair it with a small cabinet for small hallway entrance.
Sturdy, Versatile, Easy Assembly
This bench was easy to assemble and definitely better quality than other put-together furniture I’ve bought. The different sized compartments fit a variety of shoe types and the hidden compartment will be great for gloves, winter hats, etc.
Perfect as my TV stand.
I use this bench as my TV stand (removing the cushion, of course!) The white finish is a perfect compliment to the beachy decor of the room. My husband bought the grey bench for his office as a window seat.
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