This chair is beautiful!! I was expecting much less for the price but this item really impressed me. Its super sturdy, solid, and looks great in our family room. Adorned with a few pillows and a throw, it looks like such a high end piece! One person job.
Good product sturdy construction. Seat cushion is firm and looks like it will hold up well. One of the chairs we had an issue with assembling but with a little jerry rigging it was okay Buying another !
good looking chair. firm. only one complaint: the holes drilled for the bolts that join the back of the chair to the seat were ever/so/slightly misaligned, resulting in a bit of a mismatch when viewed from the front. maybe 1/3, 1/2 of an inch. its sturdy and fairly comfortable. One of my best buys.
The assembly was easy but a bit cumbersome for one person. The instructions were not clear, but the ease of the assembly made up for that. The chair is comfortable, but stiff, so not super comfy. For as simple as the assembly was, the chair is surprisingly sturdy. Quick ship.
Need hole covers
Only set back is that wooden hole covers come off easily. Is there anyway we can order a couple? Best for price.
Solid, sturdy, built/to/last
This chair is beautiful!! I was expecting much less for the price but this item really impressed me. Its super sturdy, solid, and looks great in our family room. Adorned with a few pillows and a throw, it looks like such a high end piece! One person job.
Great for the price
Gorgeous chair. Nice and sturdy! Great buy Perfect.
Looks good in my office!
Looks good in my office! I am impressed!
Worth the money
Awesome chair Satisfied
Great looking chairs with good seat cushions
Good product sturdy construction. Seat cushion is firm and looks like it will hold up well. One of the chairs we had an issue with assembling but with a little jerry rigging it was okay Buying another !
grey with matching footstool
good looking chair. firm. only one complaint: the holes drilled for the bolts that join the back of the chair to the seat were ever/so/slightly misaligned, resulting in a bit of a mismatch when viewed from the front. maybe 1/3, 1/2 of an inch. its sturdy and fairly comfortable. One of my best buys.
Good value for the price
The assembly was easy but a bit cumbersome for one person. The instructions were not clear, but the ease of the assembly made up for that. The chair is comfortable, but stiff, so not super comfy. For as simple as the assembly was, the chair is surprisingly sturdy. Quick ship.
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