Pretty easy to assemble. I assembled this on my own, the box was extremely heavy for me to carry upstairs by myself so I opened the box and took the pieces out with the help of my 4 and 1 year old kids. Not every piece was super heavy. I was able to assemble the frame in about an hour to two hours being that my kids were trying to help. The only thing that makes me nervous are the wooden slats actually holding the beds up, I was laying on the bottom bunk and the slats up top were a little bent down with just the weight of the mattress. Not extreme but I guess its the nervous mom in me. Works great!!
I dont know if I got a fluke one, but several of the parts were actually labeled incorrectly. I was trying to figure out why I had seven boards labeled the same thing when it only called for one board with that number labeled on it. Boards 13 and 14 are actually the same thing even though the manual doesnt say. Board 11 was actually board 12, and board 12 was actually 11. It definitely took some extra time to figure things out and putting this together took me almost 6 hours because they were a few times I had to take pieces off because they were labeled incorrectly.
The bed seems very sturdy for my 6 and 8 year old that is pictured. The six/year/old is standing on the ladder and the eight/year/old is laying down to give you an idea how big this is. Its nice and low so I can just bend over and kiss my child goodnight thats on the top bunk. Works great!
Not the most easiest bed to assemble
Lots of Instructions, some of the holes for the pieces were not properly drilled which took lot more effort and time to setup.
Easy to assemble
This bed was pretty easy to assemble and my four/year/old loves it! Perfect!!
Good but not the best, more like a temporary furniture.
Needs more improvement when it comes to the TOOLS, the small pin giving to build the bed does not wrk. Might scream while assembling.
Great for the price and fairly easy assembly.
Pretty easy to assemble. I assembled this on my own, the box was extremely heavy for me to carry upstairs by myself so I opened the box and took the pieces out with the help of my 4 and 1 year old kids. Not every piece was super heavy. I was able to assemble the frame in about an hour to two hours being that my kids were trying to help. The only thing that makes me nervous are the wooden slats actually holding the beds up, I was laying on the bottom bunk and the slats up top were a little bent down with just the weight of the mattress. Not extreme but I guess its the nervous mom in me. Works great!!
Sturdy and great value.
Great buy. Very Sturdy product.
A little spendy for what it isdecent construction
Not a bad bed. Seems solid right now. A little spendy for what it isI mean it is just a kids bed but went together smoothly. yes we like it.
Lots of pieces
Nice Very easy to set up!
Great quality
Very nice bunk bed, good quality and not crowding the space Really good.
Its smaller than it looks in the picture
It was way smaller than I thought Exactly as it looks, but not great quality.
Nice bed but some of the pieces were labeled wrong on mine
I dont know if I got a fluke one, but several of the parts were actually labeled incorrectly. I was trying to figure out why I had seven boards labeled the same thing when it only called for one board with that number labeled on it. Boards 13 and 14 are actually the same thing even though the manual doesnt say. Board 11 was actually board 12, and board 12 was actually 11. It definitely took some extra time to figure things out and putting this together took me almost 6 hours because they were a few times I had to take pieces off because they were labeled incorrectly. The bed seems very sturdy for my 6 and 8 year old that is pictured. The six/year/old is standing on the ladder and the eight/year/old is laying down to give you an idea how big this is. Its nice and low so I can just bend over and kiss my child goodnight thats on the top bunk. Works great!
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