Fairly easy to assemble, parts labeled well, recommend two sets of hands for stability. Biggest downside was some parts came in dented. Easy enough to hide on the back and the bed was bought for two rambunctious boys so not worth returning but still unfortunate.
Took a while to put together. Very sturdy beds. Does need bunky boards or something to help distribute weight on the slats. The slats bow when an adult is on them, but it's an easy fix! Best purchase for the kids this year!
It calls for two men to assemble it but I did it by myself. The direction was not the best but with a little common sense in that field you can get it done very sturdy does not squeak. If I had a need I would buy it again and I love that you don't have to use the twin over the bunk it can be separate.
This bed was good for a while and then after I detached the top bunk the bottom started to get creaky and slowly started to break, all of the middle support legs fell off and would not screw back on and the wood planks are very unstable and break easily.
I don't like at all how the bottom is too high, you can't sit on the bed without your head hitting, it is regrettable that I can't return it because it's already too late, you guys to makes more space. No sitting
This bed wasn't necessarily difficult to put together, but it's a lengthy process. You need two adults to put it together. It's very cute and feels quite sturdy. What you get is great for the price. I have two happy little girls.
Need better tools . Use a drill
The kids liked the bunk beds. They r very nice.
Very well built
Very well built. Sturdy and after having multiple bunk beds in the past, this one is more impressive than all of them and at a better value.
Good for Kids
Fairly easy to assemble, parts labeled well, recommend two sets of hands for stability. Biggest downside was some parts came in dented. Easy enough to hide on the back and the bed was bought for two rambunctious boys so not worth returning but still unfortunate.
Took a while to put together. Very sturdy beds. Does need bunky boards or something to help distribute weight on the slats. The slats bow when an adult is on them, but it's an easy fix! Best purchase for the kids this year!
It does not squeak at all.
It calls for two men to assemble it but I did it by myself. The direction was not the best but with a little common sense in that field you can get it done very sturdy does not squeak. If I had a need I would buy it again and I love that you don't have to use the twin over the bunk it can be separate.
This is not solid wood like it says in the description. Every piece is plywood with a veneer.
The description quality did not match what came in the box.
Fell apart
This bed was good for a while and then after I detached the top bunk the bottom started to get creaky and slowly started to break, all of the middle support legs fell off and would not screw back on and the wood planks are very unstable and break easily.
Bed too high, no space to sit down properly
I don't like at all how the bottom is too high, you can't sit on the bed without your head hitting, it is regrettable that I can't return it because it's already too late, you guys to makes more space. No sitting
Best Bed ever
The bed is very sturdy. Best bed for the money. Well worth it.
Cute and great size
This bed wasn't necessarily difficult to put together, but it's a lengthy process. You need two adults to put it together. It's very cute and feels quite sturdy. What you get is great for the price. I have two happy little girls.
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