Good for the price and looks nice Easy to assemble, sturdy, attractive. Perfect for my grandson and my two great granddaughters.! He can sleep on the top mattress and we pull out the trundle underneath for the kids, 4 and 1, and he can reach down and touch them if they need him. Very convenient! 100% memory foam mattresses Not cheap ones! 10 inches on top, 8 on the bottom..... But, not for fluffy people like me! 175 lbs. max....More if you add thicker support....
good product!Definitely just as described Like the bed and works very well for the grand children. Was not hard to put together but some instructions were not on instruction pamphlet and the trundle bed has to be perfectly lined up to roll under upper bed. Sturdy enough for children but not for adults
Great product by all standards We bought this daybed for a guest room/play room for my grandchildren. The size is perfect. The trundle slides right under to save space. Its made quite sturdy. We were missing one part of the assembly, and contacted the company. They were great to work with. Our missing part was mailed to us in two days. I am very pleased.
Great Price and Easy to Assemble Great quality. Hard to find a solid wood trundle bed for this price. The trundle doesnt roll great on carpet but this is for a guest room and wont be used much
Wow, I didnt really think that this daybed would be made out of real wood much less be made out of thick sturdy wood that is also very pretty to look at. I bought this daybed for my grandchildren. I have 2 grandchildren that come and stay with me on the weekends and we are always looking for something to make their bed a little more comfortable. Usually they sleep on a hide-a-bed in my livingroom and if youve ever had to sleep on one you know how horrible they are when it comes to comfort. well this daybed has saved the day and Nana-s reputation as the best place to go on the weekends. lol. Thanks Furniture for making a great bed.
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! We had some shipping issues, as only the bed arrived and not the trundle. However, I contacted the company and they were very helpful, and sent the trundle out again to us in which we received it. On a scale of 1-10 on easiness of assembly, the bed was an 8. The trundle was an easy 10..
.very simple. My daughter loves her bed and it seems very sturdy, though time will tell. I just really appreciated the company helping us figure out that the original trundle was lost in shipping and took the time to quickly send us another one. I give their customer service an A+.
Better than expected This day bed is a nice addition to our guest room. Sturdy wood. Secure attachments, although cams are used in lower section. Upper section is secured better.
Read the reviews !!!
Good for the price and looks nice Easy to assemble, sturdy, attractive. Perfect for my grandson and my two great granddaughters.! He can sleep on the top mattress and we pull out the trundle underneath for the kids, 4 and 1, and he can reach down and touch them if they need him. Very convenient! 100% memory foam mattresses Not cheap ones! 10 inches on top, 8 on the bottom..... But, not for fluffy people like me! 175 lbs. max....More if you add thicker support....
Trundle bef
good product!Definitely just as described Like the bed and works very well for the grand children. Was not hard to put together but some instructions were not on instruction pamphlet and the trundle bed has to be perfectly lined up to roll under upper bed. Sturdy enough for children but not for adults
Great for guests
Great product by all standards We bought this daybed for a guest room/play room for my grandchildren. The size is perfect. The trundle slides right under to save space. Its made quite sturdy. We were missing one part of the assembly, and contacted the company. They were great to work with. Our missing part was mailed to us in two days. I am very pleased.
Great quality
Great Price and Easy to Assemble Great quality. Hard to find a solid wood trundle bed for this price. The trundle doesnt roll great on carpet but this is for a guest room and wont be used much
Good quality. Better than expected
Perfect for small spaces. Went together well and very sturdy
Great bed
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price Love the color and make of bed.
Furniture on .com has the best furniture.
Wow, I didnt really think that this daybed would be made out of real wood much less be made out of thick sturdy wood that is also very pretty to look at. I bought this daybed for my grandchildren. I have 2 grandchildren that come and stay with me on the weekends and we are always looking for something to make their bed a little more comfortable. Usually they sleep on a hide-a-bed in my livingroom and if youve ever had to sleep on one you know how horrible they are when it comes to comfort. well this daybed has saved the day and Nana-s reputation as the best place to go on the weekends. lol. Thanks Furniture for making a great bed.
Customer Service was great, bed is sturdy!
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! We had some shipping issues, as only the bed arrived and not the trundle. However, I contacted the company and they were very helpful, and sent the trundle out again to us in which we received it. On a scale of 1-10 on easiness of assembly, the bed was an 8. The trundle was an easy 10.. .very simple. My daughter loves her bed and it seems very sturdy, though time will tell. I just really appreciated the company helping us figure out that the original trundle was lost in shipping and took the time to quickly send us another one. I give their customer service an A+.
sturdy daybed
It is really pretty My 8yr old boy likes this bed.
Trundle Day Bed is a nice addition
Better than expected This day bed is a nice addition to our guest room. Sturdy wood. Secure attachments, although cams are used in lower section. Upper section is secured better.
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