Took a few minutes to understand the instructions but once you have a good flow going it becomes easier. You will definitely need a second pair of hands. Very sturdy and I love how high it is.
I like the way it looks! I was not prepared for the assembly. The instructions are minimal and honestly you need help to assemble this. Have at least 2 people. The only things labeled are the nuts/bolts/screws so the rest you just need to look at and figure out from the pictures. But it is very pretty
Love it.
Took a few minutes to understand the instructions but once you have a good flow going it becomes easier. You will definitely need a second pair of hands. Very sturdy and I love how high it is.
I like the way it looks! I was not prepared for the assembly. The instructions are minimal and honestly you need help to assemble this. Have at least 2 people. The only things labeled are the nuts/bolts/screws so the rest you just need to look at and figure out from the pictures. But it is very pretty
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