This is a very good bed I and my kids love it so much it was easy to assemble, the packaging was perfect and it was delivered on time.
Thank you so much Very sturdy and durable
Love it, looks great but assembly is not super super easy or fast. It was manageable for sure but I did strip the included Allen wrench. Luckily I had 3 extras laying around from other various projects. I stripped 2 other Allen wrenches as well. truly easy to install
Excellent customer service, responds right away and addresses any concerns or issues. Very please with bunk beds. Will recommend. Product was just as descriproduct
Its as shown in the picture
This is a very good bed I and my kids love it so much it was easy to assemble, the packaging was perfect and it was delivered on time. Thank you so much Very sturdy and durable
Looks great / assembly is not the easiest thing ever
Love it, looks great but assembly is not super super easy or fast. It was manageable for sure but I did strip the included Allen wrench. Luckily I had 3 extras laying around from other various projects. I stripped 2 other Allen wrenches as well. truly easy to install
Nice set up
Love it, right size!! Frustrated about billing though!! I like the sturdiness and comfort of this product.
Recommend but make sure to keep checking hardware.
Takes Time to put together and its sturdy but as time passes you have to keep tightening the bolts and screws up. Loosens over time. Perfect for us
Very pleased
Excellent customer service, responds right away and addresses any concerns or issues. Very please with bunk beds. Will recommend. Product was just as descriproduct
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