Our 3 year old granddaughter absolutely loves this trampoline!! We took the hand bar off because it just got in the way. It is very sturdy, easy to assemble and should last a long time.
This trampoline was fairly easy to assemble. They recommend two people because unfolding the base requires quite a bit of strength. Once that is done, the only challenge is to fit the protective pad. I was afraid it would tear because I had to stretch it over the threaded connectors for the feet, but it held up and once in place, the rest is easy. Not tools were required.
I almost took away a star because the product title suggests the trampoline is portable. Yes, they do provide a carrying bag, but in order to use it, youd have to completely take the product apart and then rebuild it. Hardly worth the effort.
I havent used it much yet, but it seems to have a nice bounce to it.
Note: Wherever the manual says threaded connector, read threaded connectors. There are 6 of them.
I liked this product a lot. But I should have measured what 40 looks like. I live in an apartment so it takes up a lot of room. Takes 2 people to put it together and doesnt fold up unless you are dismantling it to a degree. The rail is adjustable which I like a lot. I love that it is easy to jump on and excellent quality.
Sturdy and Jumpy
Well crafted. Have a jump and get active! Grab the bar for support so you dont fall. Very nice and sturdy
Best gift ever!!
Our 3 year old granddaughter absolutely loves this trampoline!! We took the hand bar off because it just got in the way. It is very sturdy, easy to assemble and should last a long time.
I love this! Nice to have for me and my daughter wears her down before bed
Its user friendly!
Health issues
Great Rebounder!
Love it! Easy to assemble and good product for the money.
very sturdy
We use this for rebounder class. Its a good size for all people beginner to advanced
Good but not really foldable and portable
This trampoline was fairly easy to assemble. They recommend two people because unfolding the base requires quite a bit of strength. Once that is done, the only challenge is to fit the protective pad. I was afraid it would tear because I had to stretch it over the threaded connectors for the feet, but it held up and once in place, the rest is easy. Not tools were required. I almost took away a star because the product title suggests the trampoline is portable. Yes, they do provide a carrying bag, but in order to use it, youd have to completely take the product apart and then rebuild it. Hardly worth the effort. I havent used it much yet, but it seems to have a nice bounce to it. Note: Wherever the manual says threaded connector, read threaded connectors. There are 6 of them.
I liked this product a lot. But I should have measured what 40 looks like. I live in an apartment so it takes up a lot of room. Takes 2 people to put it together and doesnt fold up unless you are dismantling it to a degree. The rail is adjustable which I like a lot. I love that it is easy to jump on and excellent quality.
Simple set up
Just received it today, so havent had the chance to fully use it. But set up was super simple.
Great purchase
This is great even better quality than I hoped for. Very sturdy construction.
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