This frame was a little difficult to assemble and it arrived damaged as shown. Its a pretty sturdy frame for the price. Im so unhappy with this product.
Bought for my 3 year old. Went together fairly easily. Doesnt have anything to keep mattress in place so mattress does slide around a bit, but overall great value for the price. He loves it! Easy to assemble just takes a while
Great all around I bought this for my 8 and 5 yr old boys . Its still standing . Curved edges definitely saves you with clumsy kids This product is pretty decent for the price
I ordered three of these bed frames for my three daughters. All three of the beds arrived with at least one bent part. Also the instructions were awful to follow. And the screws should have been packaged and labeled in individual sets. the guess work was super frustrating! Good but not what I expected
Great affordable bed frame
It was easy to put together and is very sturdy Needs better support
Matress slides
Only bad thing is mattress slides around very pleasantly surprised
Box undamaged, but frame was bent and scratched
This frame was a little difficult to assemble and it arrived damaged as shown. Its a pretty sturdy frame for the price. Im so unhappy with this product.
Great bed frame for the price.
Bought for my 3 year old. Went together fairly easily. Doesnt have anything to keep mattress in place so mattress does slide around a bit, but overall great value for the price. He loves it! Easy to assemble just takes a while
Itsa bed
Fast shipping! Nice affordable beds. I think this is a good option
Easy assembly
Was easy to assemble, havent received my mattress yet but cant wait to see all together LOVE LOVE LOVE
Perfect !
Great all around I bought this for my 8 and 5 yr old boys . Its still standing . Curved edges definitely saves you with clumsy kids This product is pretty decent for the price
Pretty decent
Nice decent frame for the price. Definitely not for kids who loves jumping on beds cause these will break. and came earlier than expected
Great product
I like this product because its very sturdy and easy to assemble This is awesome!
Not impressed
I ordered three of these bed frames for my three daughters. All three of the beds arrived with at least one bent part. Also the instructions were awful to follow. And the screws should have been packaged and labeled in individual sets. the guess work was super frustrating! Good but not what I expected
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