Fits. Well made and easy to put together. Daughter loves it and the quality of the parts and the sturdiness of the bed once together is way better than I expected for the price.
Well made. It was just what I wanted. Reserve an hour of your time to assemble it all. There are lots of lats to be inserted, plastic rectangular plugs to make sure they dont slip out, etc.
In general, it is easy to assemble, and the instructions are clear. Some will need to refer to the instructions more often than others. Be aware of the side beams and the holes for the ladder / you cant invert it, the ladder has to go towards the back. (a little mistake I made assembling). Very sturdy. An adult can sleep in the bottom. There are nylon joiners that can me placed to join the slats so that they can support more weight (pushing down on one will solicit the support of the adjacent ones). It does come with an ENORMOUS SAFETY WARNING STICKER that is near impossible to get off! The companys legal department is really making them insult their customers.
Five Stars
Buy It. Really nice shipping was fast n all the pieces were there with clear simple instructions.
Worth it!
Fits. Well made and easy to put together. Daughter loves it and the quality of the parts and the sturdiness of the bed once together is way better than I expected for the price.
It holds them seems to be strong and I thought the price Was good. Im happy
Yes please! I have teenagers using it. It holds them seems to be strong and I thought the price Was good. Im happy.
Four Stars
Worked for my use. Nice beds!!just hate it took so long to put it together
Five Stars
Very helpful. My daughter is in love with her new bunk bed. It was easy to install and put up.
Five Stars
Very compact. great
Great price
Very nice product! Got for my twin nieces and the adore the bed and the extra space in their room
ENORMOUS UGLY SAFETY WARNING STICKER that is impossible to get off!
Well made. It was just what I wanted. Reserve an hour of your time to assemble it all. There are lots of lats to be inserted, plastic rectangular plugs to make sure they dont slip out, etc. In general, it is easy to assemble, and the instructions are clear. Some will need to refer to the instructions more often than others. Be aware of the side beams and the holes for the ladder / you cant invert it, the ladder has to go towards the back. (a little mistake I made assembling). Very sturdy. An adult can sleep in the bottom. There are nylon joiners that can me placed to join the slats so that they can support more weight (pushing down on one will solicit the support of the adjacent ones). It does come with an ENORMOUS SAFETY WARNING STICKER that is near impossible to get off! The companys legal department is really making them insult their customers.
Will be ordering more. Sturdy bed
will buy again!
Very happy. Easy to assemble. Strong. kids love it!
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