Easy to follow instructions, sturdy got its size, has taken a good beating and still standing.
We also have an older expensive bunk from a furniture store that I bought before I had prime. You can only slightly tell the difference
We are very pleased with this purchase. Helps to have two people assemble it. We thought ours was missing drill holes on one of the mattress rails on the top bunk, which added 1/2 hours to our assembly time. Also pay close attention when assembling the top bunk. The two end pieces are different and the mattress rails are different. We had to disassemble to swap the two mattress rails. And discovered the rail we thought was missing drill holes we had placed in the wrong position.
Im disappointed at the number of cracks already appearing after only a couple of months of use. The bunkbed has more cracks than the beds weve had fo 4 years. I find it to be a safety concern.
Love i We love our bunk beds so far. I searched for a good month before making this purchase. These were the lowest priced but had great reviews and had a high weight capacity. A lot of the cheaper bunks wouldnt even hold two teenagers. These ones i can actually lay in bed with my child. They are super cut It took me about 4ish hours to put together by myself but I was also sick. These would be extremely easy to put together in an hour with two people. Youll need a dril We had no imperfections in our beds. Not even a scratch and everything was appropriately labeled. We love that they can be taken apart just by lifting them up. 5 star worth
I bought it for my 7 12 year old. Obviously the 12 year old will be on the bottom after I reinforce it. Im afraid the wooden slats will crack. It came with some minor dents and paint issues but overall I like it. Well see how it goes.
great alternative to an expensive furniture store bunk.
Easy to follow instructions, sturdy got its size, has taken a good beating and still standing. We also have an older expensive bunk from a furniture store that I bought before I had prime. You can only slightly tell the difference
Sturdy bed set , lots of pieces.
Very sturdy bed set Easy to install but A LOT of pieces . I would recommend a screw gun to put it together. Kids love it.
Great value
We are very pleased with this purchase. Helps to have two people assemble it. We thought ours was missing drill holes on one of the mattress rails on the top bunk, which added 1/2 hours to our assembly time. Also pay close attention when assembling the top bunk. The two end pieces are different and the mattress rails are different. We had to disassemble to swap the two mattress rails. And discovered the rail we thought was missing drill holes we had placed in the wrong position.
Im disappointed at the number of cracks already appearing after only a couple of months of use. The bunkbed has more cracks than the beds weve had fo 4 years. I find it to be a safety concern.
Great qualit
Well packaged, way to assemble, quality parts and everything lined up perfectl
The are so beautiful
Love i
Love i We love our bunk beds so far. I searched for a good month before making this purchase. These were the lowest priced but had great reviews and had a high weight capacity. A lot of the cheaper bunks wouldnt even hold two teenagers. These ones i can actually lay in bed with my child. They are super cut It took me about 4ish hours to put together by myself but I was also sick. These would be extremely easy to put together in an hour with two people. Youll need a dril We had no imperfections in our beds. Not even a scratch and everything was appropriately labeled. We love that they can be taken apart just by lifting them up. 5 star worth
Sturdy and beautifu
This is a great bed for our kid
Very comfortable and great price
Nice bed love the color kids absolutely love it.
Its oka
I bought it for my 7 12 year old. Obviously the 12 year old will be on the bottom after I reinforce it. Im afraid the wooden slats will crack. It came with some minor dents and paint issues but overall I like it. Well see how it goes.
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