Overall, Im happy with the purchase, its sturdy and not too complicated putting it together, only thing is that it was missing blots that go to it so hopefully the seller with send those to me
I bought this for my four, ten, and fifteen year old for when we sleep over at my moms house every weekend and it works great! They all very comfortably go to bed in it. I was very hesitant at first but it turned out to be a great purchase for us!
They were easy to put together but the ladders were a bit touchy lol they have plenty of room in between the bunks and you can mount them to the wall which is a must with how high they are!
I really like it. Its very cute for a childs bedroom. The supports for the mattress are infuriating to assemble. Finally got it though. The trick is to assemble them with the supports running vertically (like railings to a porch). Otherwise, trying to assemble with them on floor causes the supports to keep falling out and will make you loose your mind. If you can make it past that, it isnt a bad bed to assemble.
Overall happy with purchase
Overall, Im happy with the purchase, its sturdy and not too complicated putting it together, only thing is that it was missing blots that go to it so hopefully the seller with send those to me
Awesome buy!
I like the look and they are sturdy. Two 14 year old girls sleep on and they love them. Didnt take my hubby to long to assemble at all.
Not Bad
The product its self isnt bad the bars are study and it hold well. However, the cheap plastic parts are a pain.
3 bunk bed
I bought this for my four, ten, and fifteen year old for when we sleep over at my moms house every weekend and it works great! They all very comfortably go to bed in it. I was very hesitant at first but it turned out to be a great purchase for us!
My kids absolutely loved this bed, the directions are very clear. The slide is aming and super great quality!
Great for guest
Product is sturdy and give many sleeping options
They were easy to put together but the ladders were a bit touchy lol they have plenty of room in between the bunks and you can mount them to the wall which is a must with how high they are!
Great !
Great ! Would buy again
Really like it, but difficult to assemble
I really like it. Its very cute for a childs bedroom. The supports for the mattress are infuriating to assemble. Finally got it though. The trick is to assemble them with the supports running vertically (like railings to a porch). Otherwise, trying to assemble with them on floor causes the supports to keep falling out and will make you loose your mind. If you can make it past that, it isnt a bad bed to assemble.
Very nice thanks
Very nice, and the seller responds very quickly thanks
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