This vanity is very pretty and has lots of storage and is the perfect height and width. Fit perfectly in the corner of my bedroom. Things I didnt like was they sent me a cracked vanity. I will have to get wood putty and paint to fix it. My box happened to come without directions. Wasnt impossible to put together but without directions did make it a bit harder. Overall I like it very much. I think they just needed to take their time while packaging it better.
I bought this for my 16 year old daughter thinking it would be bigger but its small but super cute. The assembly was really easy and she put it together be herself. No help from her parents . I like it but just smaller than anticipated.
I found the instructions relatively easy to follow but the pre drilled holes did not always line up. The desk is nice and as advertised. The lights are kind of cheap. Thought they would be better quality. They are only stuck to the mirror with stickers.
Good sized vanity
This vanity is very pretty and has lots of storage and is the perfect height and width. Fit perfectly in the corner of my bedroom. Things I didnt like was they sent me a cracked vanity. I will have to get wood putty and paint to fix it. My box happened to come without directions. Wasnt impossible to put together but without directions did make it a bit harder. Overall I like it very much. I think they just needed to take their time while packaging it better.
she loved it
got for my granddaughter 14th bday. she was very happy
They work great plain and simple
Super cute but small!
I bought this for my 16 year old daughter thinking it would be bigger but its small but super cute. The assembly was really easy and she put it together be herself. No help from her parents . I like it but just smaller than anticipated.
Not a bad buy
I found the instructions relatively easy to follow but the pre drilled holes did not always line up. The desk is nice and as advertised. The lights are kind of cheap. Thought they would be better quality. They are only stuck to the mirror with stickers.
This works good for my needs. I didnt install the lights primarily because they didnt work but I didnt need them anyway.
my wife liked me a lot
Everything is good Great, Happy with it
Beautiful Vanity Make/up
I love it. My wife likes it so much! Worth to pay
Set up was easy. With my boyfriends help. Lol. Perfect size for a cute little vanity.
Absolutely great product for the money. Our 14 year old daughter put it together. Its exactly what she wanted and fits perfect in her room.
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