This company has got it figured out down to the super cute (and efficient) packaging. The bed is sturdy and looks great! So easy to put together! Brilliant! Love it
This frame is sturdy, simple, yet beautiful. Im thoroughly surprised. It was easy to assemble. It doesnt make noise when you get in and out of bed. It was perfect for my mattress.
I ordered this bed thinking it would be temporary until I could afford something better for the apartment I just moved into. Honestly, I like it and feel no need to buy anything else. All of it came packaged in the headboard and it ended up being much sturdier than I expected. Very pleasantly surprised and would order another one if needed.
It was easy to assemble and it looks nice. However, if you have a box spring you are going to be basically sleeping five feet up in the air. Im 55 and it is almost as tall as me. Because the box spring and mattress adds so much to the frame it completely covers up the headboard. The only downside to it is its so tall. If you like tall beds though this will be perfect for you but the headboard will be completely hidden.
This was so easy to put together, plus it came with a socket allen wrench that I will definitely be holding on to for future projects. It looks great and is a great platform for my box spring/less mattress! (The Velcro slats also make it super easy to get to my cat when she tries to hide under the bed when its time to go to the vet)
Love this bed! Made solid and easy to put together. Awesome feature that it all stores inside the headboard for easy moving. Slats are spaced with Velcro that holds them in place. The dark gray is very attractive.
This company has got it figured out down to the super cute (and efficient) packaging. The bed is sturdy and looks great! So easy to put together! Brilliant! Love it
I bought one for myself my daughter
This frame is sturdy, simple, yet beautiful. Im thoroughly surprised. It was easy to assemble. It doesnt make noise when you get in and out of bed. It was perfect for my mattress.
Full size bed for daughter
Great quality bed
Pleasantly Surprised
I ordered this bed thinking it would be temporary until I could afford something better for the apartment I just moved into. Honestly, I like it and feel no need to buy anything else. All of it came packaged in the headboard and it ended up being much sturdier than I expected. Very pleasantly surprised and would order another one if needed.
Tall bed no headboard
It was easy to assemble and it looks nice. However, if you have a box spring you are going to be basically sleeping five feet up in the air. Im 55 and it is almost as tall as me. Because the box spring and mattress adds so much to the frame it completely covers up the headboard. The only downside to it is its so tall. If you like tall beds though this will be perfect for you but the headboard will be completely hidden.
All around great bed.
Very sturdy and fits my sleep number perfectly.
An unexpected perk!
This was so easy to put together, plus it came with a socket allen wrench that I will definitely be holding on to for future projects. It looks great and is a great platform for my box spring/less mattress! (The Velcro slats also make it super easy to get to my cat when she tries to hide under the bed when its time to go to the vet)
Well/made stylish platform.
Love this bed! Made solid and easy to put together. Awesome feature that it all stores inside the headboard for easy moving. Slats are spaced with Velcro that holds them in place. The dark gray is very attractive.
Took 15 minutes to put together. Awesome quaility.
Super easy to assemble. Much better than .
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