It took a few people to help us hold the bed frame/loft as we put it together, but thats because there was lots of parts. My young child loves it. Decent for the price
Took two hours to put together, but after that I had a really nice and sturdy piece of furniture. Would have been nice if the ladder could be mounted on either side, but that is not a major issue. ALL GOOD!
This bed is super awesome. Took two adults to assemble it, and was straightforward to assemble. All our daughters friends love her bed so much that they want one too. Very sturdy, and good materials. Highly recommend. So far meets my expectations
My daughter loves it. The bunk is a little less sturdy than Id hoped for but ok for the price. My biggest complaint was delivery. It took three days of appointments for it to finally get here. After staying home for the 4 hour window on 3 separate occasions, they finally dropped it at the front door. No knocking, no doorbell, just dropped at the door. If that was an option, I wouldnt have wasted 12 hours waiting for it to get delivered! Its a fantastic price.
Crate desk, it took my teenage son and I about three hours to put it together. We purchased it for my son who just got excepted to college. It only holds 165 pounds, but seems like a good value. We added a Phillips hue light strip underneath it so he could see at his desk. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Great loft for pre/teen!
Nice loft bed with a big open desk. Looks great in white. Very cute, looks just like the pictures.
Looks great, for a great price! Really heavy making it hard to assemble though. Otherwise perfect.
Hard to assemble with how heavy it is but it looks phenomenal. Very sturdy! Great price! Just as pictured very happy with my purchase.
Very impressed with how great this bed is!
This is high quality, sturdy and beautiful. Love it! Style and purpose
A Good Bed
It took a few people to help us hold the bed frame/loft as we put it together, but thats because there was lots of parts. My young child loves it. Decent for the price
Aming product.
Great sturdy product, our 8 year old loves it!! Comfortable and high quality!
Great loft bed
Took two hours to put together, but after that I had a really nice and sturdy piece of furniture. Would have been nice if the ladder could be mounted on either side, but that is not a major issue. ALL GOOD!
Great loft bed for our tween daughter
This bed is super awesome. Took two adults to assemble it, and was straightforward to assemble. All our daughters friends love her bed so much that they want one too. Very sturdy, and good materials. Highly recommend. So far meets my expectations
Good bed
It is good quality and looks nice and saves space. You just may need an extra person to help you assemble it. Lovely for the price
Cute and went together well. Delivery was a pain.
My daughter loves it. The bunk is a little less sturdy than Id hoped for but ok for the price. My biggest complaint was delivery. It took three days of appointments for it to finally get here. After staying home for the 4 hour window on 3 separate occasions, they finally dropped it at the front door. No knocking, no doorbell, just dropped at the door. If that was an option, I wouldnt have wasted 12 hours waiting for it to get delivered! Its a fantastic price.
Great desk for the money
Crate desk, it took my teenage son and I about three hours to put it together. We purchased it for my son who just got excepted to college. It only holds 165 pounds, but seems like a good value. We added a Phillips hue light strip underneath it so he could see at his desk. This product was exactly what I was hoping for
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