My grandson thinks the bed is the coolest. This bed gave him room under his bed for a place to read relax and play. This bed is the perfect height. Smart design.
Great space saver! Decided on Junior Loft due to ceiling fan. The 9 cube shelf fits perfect underneath and allows for neat reading area. Arrived on time and took us about an hour to assemble. Extra hardware included. My 8 year old loves it and it feels sturdy enough for her for years to come! Simple to put together.
Sticker Issue
Nice kids bed however, there was a giant warning sticker stuck to one of the bars of the bed frame that was nearly impossible to get off. very stable.
My grandson thinks the bed is the coolest. This bed gave him room under his bed for a place to read relax and play. This bed is the perfect height. Smart design.
Space Saving, works well for ceiling fan and fits 9 cube shelf
Great space saver! Decided on Junior Loft due to ceiling fan. The 9 cube shelf fits perfect underneath and allows for neat reading area. Arrived on time and took us about an hour to assemble. Extra hardware included. My 8 year old loves it and it feels sturdy enough for her for years to come! Simple to put together.
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