Bought this for our 5 year old grandson. Our son was able to assemble it easily with the Allen wrench supplied. It is very sturdy, comfortable to sleep and great space below the bed to play. Very good value for the price paid. Still love it.
Good quality, sturdy and easy to assemble. Recommend stapling the Velcro strips for the tent. The adhesive does not adhere well to the finish and tent walls fall off. Otherwise great purchase! Grandsons love them. It was perfect!
This loft bed is a great product,very easy to assemble,just wish it had words instead of just pictures,color is true ,my grandson had fun helping assembling it and couldnt wait to sleep in his new bed. Very cute.
I love the design of this bed, its great for my adventuring 3 year old.
However, there was a rather major warp in one of the pieces of wood. This messed up the way the bed sat when done.
Also, a handful of wooden pegs were missing.
Needless to say, I had to improvise and replace and alter parts to get the bed properly completed. Good for its value.
Grandson loves his new bed
I gave it to my grandson for his 5th birthday, now he stays in bed longer Just Buy It.
excellent purchase
Its so pretty my son loved it Nice fit.
Easy and comfortable
My son loves it Get it!!
Curtains fall constantly
Looks aming but the curtains on bottom are held with sticky command strips and are falling down all the time Does the job.
Sturdy for kids, looks nice, bed is not too high, Grandson loves it!
received quickly Very sturdy.
Very good
My kid absolutely love it Cool!!
Great Kids bed
Bought this for our 5 year old grandson. Our son was able to assemble it easily with the Allen wrench supplied. It is very sturdy, comfortable to sleep and great space below the bed to play. Very good value for the price paid. Still love it.
Very satisfied with this purchase
Good quality, sturdy and easy to assemble. Recommend stapling the Velcro strips for the tent. The adhesive does not adhere well to the finish and tent walls fall off. Otherwise great purchase! Grandsons love them. It was perfect!
Make sure you have a Allen wrench!!!
This loft bed is a great product,very easy to assemble,just wish it had words instead of just pictures,color is true ,my grandson had fun helping assembling it and couldnt wait to sleep in his new bed. Very cute.
I love the design, but they need better quality checking of the product.
I love the design of this bed, its great for my adventuring 3 year old. However, there was a rather major warp in one of the pieces of wood. This messed up the way the bed sat when done. Also, a handful of wooden pegs were missing. Needless to say, I had to improvise and replace and alter parts to get the bed properly completed. Good for its value.
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