These were a gift for my Grandson who just moved out on his own, he loves them and says a recent visitor thought he had great taste in decor Kids love it easy to put together.
Extremely easy to assemble. Sturdy so far. Comfortable as they look. Generally everyone that sits in them in my home bar are not sitting for many drinks, but would you honestly expect someone to sit there all night? It works to encourage movement around the rooms. Though I usually find them comfortable at the bar. Works great.
Best chairs
Like Value for money.
Easy to assembly and it is perfect for small spaces
Good quality Great!
I use them for my bar and they came out very nice Good quality.
Do remove the orange cap (and find a way to remove it even though its really hard!)
Great product overall. Good looking and seems to be sturdy. Good.
Simple and modern style.
These were a gift for my Grandson who just moved out on his own, he loves them and says a recent visitor thought he had great taste in decor Kids love it easy to put together.
Love them
Love these barstools. Easy to put together and feel sturdy Perfect.
Fits my needs completely !
Extra seating for kitchen bar great and doesnt take up much room! Easy assembly.
Easy assembly
Stools were as described. Very easy assembly. Love it!
Nice stools!
My kitchen looks awesome with these! White and great style! Thank you very much! Better than expected.
Durable, easy, and cheap
Extremely easy to assemble. Sturdy so far. Comfortable as they look. Generally everyone that sits in them in my home bar are not sitting for many drinks, but would you honestly expect someone to sit there all night? It works to encourage movement around the rooms. Though I usually find them comfortable at the bar. Works great.
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