Super easy to assemble, seems sturdy enough. I expect my dog to use it to get on the bed from now on and Im not worried about it getting ruined so long as I put like a sheet over top of it, and I expect it to last. My only real problem is that its way smaller than I expected, almost ridiculously so. But for what I payed it serves its purpose
Surprisingly sturdy dispite there being no wood or any thick metal to keep it together
But only sturdy when the lid is on right, otherwise its like like a clothes hamper
Perfect for what I needed it for
We bought this for my daughters toys
Excellent! I will need to buy more!
Way smaller than expected
Super easy to assemble, seems sturdy enough. I expect my dog to use it to get on the bed from now on and Im not worried about it getting ruined so long as I put like a sheet over top of it, and I expect it to last. My only real problem is that its way smaller than I expected, almost ridiculously so. But for what I payed it serves its purpose
Better than I thought
So easy to put together. Very nice material and sturdy. Perfect.
Extra Storage
Perfect extra storage for my daughters room.
Great Storage, Extra Seating
Im using this primarily as a toy chest, but feel very confident it will also serve as a place for me to sit while Im watching over my grandkids play.
Surprisingly sturdy
Surprisingly sturdy dispite there being no wood or any thick metal to keep it together But only sturdy when the lid is on right, otherwise its like like a clothes hamper
Product as described.
Great product for the price.
Perfect for use in the camper! Love it size is perfect the right amount of storage.
Excellent storage space super easy to assemble. Very sturdy to just rest your feet on. I havent sat on it.
Its way sturdier than expected
This was perfect to store our blankets and also to kick feet up or play cards on. A lot sturdier than expected
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