Great trampoline, easy to set up. We got the 15 trampoline and my kids love it. Because I grew up with trampolines my whole life, I am much more comfortable having one with a net as it is much safer for my kids
This is a gift for our grandson. I ordered the 14’ size The order was delivered in just three days. All parts and hardware were included. The instructions could be a little clearer, but my husband and I put it together in about 3 1/2 hours. We might have been slower than some because we are 70 years old.
Very simply to assemble but read the instructions all the way first. My son and I just assumed we knew how to do the springs. After fighting it for hours and 3 springs left we figured out exactly how top attach and was simple after that. Hook the spring to the mat first use the tool to pull it towards you and attach to metal slot. Netting and ring to hold it in place very nice doesnt droop down.
This was not bad at all to assemble, instructions were pretty clear, it is just time consuming. Built it myself in about an hour and a half. It is VERY sturdy! I weight 250 pounds and use it with my five year old and havent had any issue where I felt it wasnt safe or sturdy enough for me and I have jumped pretty high on it. The safety net is very sturdy as well. My five year old bounces off it (even though I have repeatedly told him that is not what it is for to not do that!).
This cant be beat for the money. Just take your time assembling it (especially when putting the springs on). If you dont pay very close attention to the spring holes you will find yourself taking springs off to re-align them.
For the most part, this has worked out great for our mobile classes. The trampoline does seem like it gets a little warped over time though; we’ve had ours for about 3 months now, and it’s starting to look crooked.
Good product I like
Missing items
The trampoline ordered was with a light set/controller and socks. These items were not included! How do I get them?
Good trampoline for the kids and family
Great trampoline, easy to set up. We got the 15 trampoline and my kids love it. Because I grew up with trampolines my whole life, I am much more comfortable having one with a net as it is much safer for my kids
Sturdy and safe looking trampoline.
This is a gift for our grandson. I ordered the 14’ size The order was delivered in just three days. All parts and hardware were included. The instructions could be a little clearer, but my husband and I put it together in about 3 1/2 hours. We might have been slower than some because we are 70 years old.
Best investment ever!!
Best investment ever!! Nice workout and made me feel like a kid again!!
Quality product
Very simply to assemble but read the instructions all the way first. My son and I just assumed we knew how to do the springs. After fighting it for hours and 3 springs left we figured out exactly how top attach and was simple after that. Hook the spring to the mat first use the tool to pull it towards you and attach to metal slot. Netting and ring to hold it in place very nice doesnt droop down.
This was not bad at all to assemble, instructions were pretty clear, it is just time consuming. Built it myself in about an hour and a half. It is VERY sturdy! I weight 250 pounds and use it with my five year old and havent had any issue where I felt it wasnt safe or sturdy enough for me and I have jumped pretty high on it. The safety net is very sturdy as well. My five year old bounces off it (even though I have repeatedly told him that is not what it is for to not do that!). This cant be beat for the money. Just take your time assembling it (especially when putting the springs on). If you dont pay very close attention to the spring holes you will find yourself taking springs off to re-align them.
Great trampoline
Very easy to put together and seems very sturdy. Safety net gives us added reassurance.
Ladder will not stay on
The ladder will not stay on other than that we love it
For the most part, this has worked out great for our mobile classes. The trampoline does seem like it gets a little warped over time though; we’ve had ours for about 3 months now, and it’s starting to look crooked.
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