Bought this for my 6-year-old daughter. She has a small bedroom and we worried about space going from a toddler bed to a twin size bed. This was the perfect solution as we have storage and a play area underneath yet it is not so tall that I have to worry about her. And to say she loves it would be an understatement. Very easy to put together and very sturdy.
Very comfortable, glad I purchased for my bedroom. Was some what easy to assemble, you need two people for sure. Took us like 4-5 hours to put together. Its a little flimsy but good enough for the kids. Also it comes in 3 boxes, I got two one day and the third box the next day. Cant complain about the cost, went to different furniture stores in my area that had similar beds, felt same (sturdiness wise) but were more expensive. Overall I think its a good bed for kids.
Pretty and inexpensive Overall a very nice bed for the price. Two complaints is there were a couple major scratches in product (see pictures) and communication between seller and is very poor.
Great for the money This is a really nice bed. We looked for about a month at different beds before we decided on this one. Itd beautiful color and very sturdy. Stairs on the bed were a must because we have a toddler and I didnt want him to get hurt climbing a ladder. Weve had to make some modifications to make it work better for us, like adding a door to the stairs. The storage it offers with the drawers is great because we have very limited space and it meant we didnt need a second dresser. Probably wouldnt be a great amount of storage as he gets older and his clothes get bigger, but for now it fits all 3T his clothes. It did take us about 3 or 4 hours to put it together. Im sure you could do it faster, but I would plan for at least 2 hours. The instructions had some missing information, but we did figure it out. It was pricey, but honestly I think it was worth the price in terms of quality, it will last my boys for years and years.
Great buy for the cost! We bought this bed for our children from a different site. Wish we had gotten it from here. But the bed is amazing. Very well made, beautiful color and storage!! My kids love it. Worth the money.
Worth any penny Very sturdy bunk bed. There was an issue with identifying bunk configuration. I had to reach out to them to figure out one of the posts needed to be turned around for proper layout of the bottom bunk. Because the post wasnt in the proper position, it appeared the slats and/or frame wasnt straight, causing the slats and mattress to not fit. Very good communication with the seller. Thanks so much!
Love this bed!
Bought this for my 6-year-old daughter. She has a small bedroom and we worried about space going from a toddler bed to a twin size bed. This was the perfect solution as we have storage and a play area underneath yet it is not so tall that I have to worry about her. And to say she loves it would be an understatement. Very easy to put together and very sturdy.
Kids love it.
Very comfortable, glad I purchased for my bedroom. Was some what easy to assemble, you need two people for sure. Took us like 4-5 hours to put together. Its a little flimsy but good enough for the kids. Also it comes in 3 boxes, I got two one day and the third box the next day. Cant complain about the cost, went to different furniture stores in my area that had similar beds, felt same (sturdiness wise) but were more expensive. Overall I think its a good bed for kids.
Love it
Little tricky to put together Its perfect exactly what we wanted and needed. And came faster than expected!!
So far so good
Perfect for what we needed I got 2 sets! So far so good!
Nice looking bed but dinged up
Pretty and inexpensive Overall a very nice bed for the price. Two complaints is there were a couple major scratches in product (see pictures) and communication between seller and is very poor.
Very well made
Nice mid century look The bed is a very nice bed, my kids love it.
Really nice bed!
Great for the money This is a really nice bed. We looked for about a month at different beds before we decided on this one. Itd beautiful color and very sturdy. Stairs on the bed were a must because we have a toddler and I didnt want him to get hurt climbing a ladder. Weve had to make some modifications to make it work better for us, like adding a door to the stairs. The storage it offers with the drawers is great because we have very limited space and it meant we didnt need a second dresser. Probably wouldnt be a great amount of storage as he gets older and his clothes get bigger, but for now it fits all 3T his clothes. It did take us about 3 or 4 hours to put it together. Im sure you could do it faster, but I would plan for at least 2 hours. The instructions had some missing information, but we did figure it out. It was pricey, but honestly I think it was worth the price in terms of quality, it will last my boys for years and years.
Love this bed!
Great buy for the cost! We bought this bed for our children from a different site. Wish we had gotten it from here. But the bed is amazing. Very well made, beautiful color and storage!! My kids love it. Worth the money.
Grandson just loves it!
This was even better than I expected for an online purchase Easy to put together and fit great!
Great value
Worth any penny Very sturdy bunk bed. There was an issue with identifying bunk configuration. I had to reach out to them to figure out one of the posts needed to be turned around for proper layout of the bottom bunk. Because the post wasnt in the proper position, it appeared the slats and/or frame wasnt straight, causing the slats and mattress to not fit. Very good communication with the seller. Thanks so much!
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