For the most part it was easy enough to assemble with another person. Its sturdy to hold me and my brother, and were 300 lbs each. Went together easily
Product seems to be pretty sturdy but putting the poles together sucks! They love to fall out while trying to get everything together. This is not a one person operation I love it.
This is one of the best bunk beds Ive found in a long time. Dont get frustrated when it comes to putting it together it will eventually come together nicely and you will like it. Would highly recommended. I Would definitely buy again
Most bunk beds have ladders on sides, making it hard to change sheets. Like that the ladders are on both ends. Simple and functional. It is beautiful and functional.
This product does ot job perfectly. This is actually the second time I have purchased one of These the first one I have had for atleast 3 years and it is still standing tall and proud Overall, great value for the price.
Good bed for slightly heavier people
For the most part it was easy enough to assemble with another person. Its sturdy to hold me and my brother, and were 300 lbs each. Went together easily
Must have two people but sturdy
Product seems to be pretty sturdy but putting the poles together sucks! They love to fall out while trying to get everything together. This is not a one person operation I love it.
Great beds
This is sturdy and doesnt make noise like other metal bunk beds. It looks nice
Heavy duty bed
This is one of the best bunk beds Ive found in a long time. Dont get frustrated when it comes to putting it together it will eventually come together nicely and you will like it. Would highly recommended. I Would definitely buy again
Quick assembly
Easier to assemble than anticipated. Modern, comfortable and great value
Helpful ladder placement
Most bunk beds have ladders on sides, making it hard to change sheets. Like that the ladders are on both ends. Simple and functional. It is beautiful and functional.
This product does ot job perfectly. This is actually the second time I have purchased one of These the first one I have had for atleast 3 years and it is still standing tall and proud Overall, great value for the price.
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