Looks gray but in real life its a very light blue gray color. Im not complaining I think it looks super cute! And easy to put together. It did run a day late but pleased with the product. My son loves it!
This chair seems very nice/comfortable and sturdy.
I gave it lower stars for ease of putting it together.
This fits perfectly at my vanity. Love it.
The instructions are excellent but the seat holes did not quite match up to the back support and I literally had to turn it on edge and kneel on it to flatten it enough to get those screws in. Something is amiss in that part of the design. Good Product.
Great chair, price material. Easy to assemble. The cushion is a little stiffer than hoped but will be more sturdy in the long run. Mechanism works well. Perfect.
i was looking to upgrade my bedroom chair to something much cuter and after weeks of searching around, decided to get this chair. the chair is super easy to assemble (took me 30 minutes) and very cute; however, is not as comfy as i thought. its a bit less comfy than my previous chair which is a bit disappointing because i was hoping for an upgrade. additionally, i noticed the stitching towards the back of the chair isnt stitched very well making it look a bit cheap. other than that, i love how cute the chair looks! Cute.
As others have said, the wheels that the chair come with arent great. Theyre very resistant and its hard to move the chair around. Once I replaced the wheels, it was a much better experience. The chair itself is comfortable, and the right amount of firmness. I wish the top part of the chair was just curved inward a tiny bit more, as the side ends stick a bit out. But overall Im happy with the chair. He loves it.
Really easy to put together. Took no time at all and was a one person job. Every time I sit on it though it feels like its going to break. Pretty cheaply made, Not sure that this is going to last very long. Looks cute, though. Seems decently comfortable, but I havent sat on it for a full work day yet. The wheels are cheap garbage. They dont spin and get stuck. Does the job.
This is a perfect addition in my studio, den. The height is a bit lower than I was expecting but Ive purchased a cushion to go on top to give me a couple inches and its now perfect. It was easy.
Overall, this is an aming chair! It was very easy to assemble. As well as having only six well/guided steps, I did not need any extra tools! It is very well made and comfortable to use, too. I already love using this chair! works great.
I love this chair. It was easy to put together and super comfortable. I love the color
Easy to assemble My Nephew likes it,
Super cute. But not gray!
Looks gray but in real life its a very light blue gray color. Im not complaining I think it looks super cute! And easy to put together. It did run a day late but pleased with the product. My son loves it!
Comfortable and rolls nicely
This chair seems very nice/comfortable and sturdy. I gave it lower stars for ease of putting it together. This fits perfectly at my vanity. Love it. The instructions are excellent but the seat holes did not quite match up to the back support and I literally had to turn it on edge and kneel on it to flatten it enough to get those screws in. Something is amiss in that part of the design. Good Product.
Great Chair, Price Overall Looks Quality.
Great chair, price material. Easy to assemble. The cushion is a little stiffer than hoped but will be more sturdy in the long run. Mechanism works well. Perfect.
The perfect addition!
This chair was so easy to put together! Its the perfect chair that will dress up a plain desk or vanity! Can be girly or chic! Easy set up.
super cute chair but not that comfy
i was looking to upgrade my bedroom chair to something much cuter and after weeks of searching around, decided to get this chair. the chair is super easy to assemble (took me 30 minutes) and very cute; however, is not as comfy as i thought. its a bit less comfy than my previous chair which is a bit disappointing because i was hoping for an upgrade. additionally, i noticed the stitching towards the back of the chair isnt stitched very well making it look a bit cheap. other than that, i love how cute the chair looks! Cute.
Mostly good
As others have said, the wheels that the chair come with arent great. Theyre very resistant and its hard to move the chair around. Once I replaced the wheels, it was a much better experience. The chair itself is comfortable, and the right amount of firmness. I wish the top part of the chair was just curved inward a tiny bit more, as the side ends stick a bit out. But overall Im happy with the chair. He loves it.
Seems pretty cheap
Really easy to put together. Took no time at all and was a one person job. Every time I sit on it though it feels like its going to break. Pretty cheaply made, Not sure that this is going to last very long. Looks cute, though. Seems decently comfortable, but I havent sat on it for a full work day yet. The wheels are cheap garbage. They dont spin and get stuck. Does the job.
Shorter height than most
This is a perfect addition in my studio, den. The height is a bit lower than I was expecting but Ive purchased a cushion to go on top to give me a couple inches and its now perfect. It was easy.
Would Recommend to Anyone!
Overall, this is an aming chair! It was very easy to assemble. As well as having only six well/guided steps, I did not need any extra tools! It is very well made and comfortable to use, too. I already love using this chair! works great.
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