Super easy to put up! took me and my fiance about 45 minutes to assemble start to finish. Perfect size for our 2 year old cousins (age 5 and under). The only thing negative i have to say is the instructions werent very precise on how to do the entire assembly. Just a few sentences and photos of what it should look like. Also kinda wished you couldve bolted the frame and poles together to be a little more sturdy. Overall great purchase! Very happy my daughter loves it!
We bought this for our 16 month old grandson. Hes very tall and around 25 lbs. He loves it so much we bought 1 for our house too. The only thing about assembly that we didnt like was the net goes last but it goes under the spring cover. It was a little awkward to tie but not impossible. I still give this trampoline 5 stars. Even tho it says indoor/outdoor, we wont be leaving it in the sun or rain.
Love it! It has about 400 ball pit balls in there now lol just a tip, when you put it together do one on each side it makes it a lot easier to stretch it! So happy we got this! Me and my daughter sit in it a lot and she bounces.
This was a purchase that has helped me a lot so that my child burns all his energy this winter, since it is too cold to take him to the park. It is a safe trampoline since it comes with a safety net all around, it is easy to assemble and follow the instructions. Its fantastic
Great buy! Wish it was sturdier though
Super easy to put up! took me and my fiance about 45 minutes to assemble start to finish. Perfect size for our 2 year old cousins (age 5 and under). The only thing negative i have to say is the instructions werent very precise on how to do the entire assembly. Just a few sentences and photos of what it should look like. Also kinda wished you couldve bolted the frame and poles together to be a little more sturdy. Overall great purchase! Very happy my daughter loves it!
Sturdy and well built. easy to assemble
Our grandson loves it. perfect for inside or outside. Easy to move
Great Trampoline
We bought this for our 16 month old grandson. Hes very tall and around 25 lbs. He loves it so much we bought 1 for our house too. The only thing about assembly that we didnt like was the net goes last but it goes under the spring cover. It was a little awkward to tie but not impossible. I still give this trampoline 5 stars. Even tho it says indoor/outdoor, we wont be leaving it in the sun or rain.
Love it! It has about 400 ball pit balls in there now lol just a tip, when you put it together do one on each side it makes it a lot easier to stretch it! So happy we got this! Me and my daughter sit in it a lot and she bounces.
Happy customer
Great customer service! comfortable and stylish product.
Totally recommended if you have a cry toddler
My 2yr loves it, I thought it was a little bit smaller but it fit perfectly now. Is easy to assemble after you finished the legs
Good buy
Very hard to assemble since we didnt get instructions, but once we put it together the kids loved it.
Love it
My twin babies love the trampoline. Its safe for toddlers.
This was a purchase that has helped me a lot so that my child burns all his energy this winter, since it is too cold to take him to the park. It is a safe trampoline since it comes with a safety net all around, it is easy to assemble and follow the instructions. Its fantastic
3yo enjoys
My 3 yo enjoys this. I would not think its big ebought for a 8 kid.
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