This was fairly easy and quick to assemble and went together without any trouble at all. I found that the instructions were a bit less than helpful but once you take a look it was easy to assemble using a bit of common sense. Seems sturdy so far and if it holds up like I expect itll be an excellent add on - lightweight and easy to move around. Feels like a winner all the way around.
Honestly for the price you cant go wrong. It didnt even come with instructions but its pretty straight forward. Took maybe 15-20 min to assemble and I am actually surprised how sturdy and quiet it is. Ill update in a month or so and see if my big 240lbs ass damages it at all down the line. So far Im glad I got it
Update. Still a great buy. Lots of adult activities on it too
Ive seen a few reviews saying this product has given some people some issues with putting it together. Cant understand why I had the whole thing together before even opening the instructions. Seems pretty straightforward and sturdy so far. My favorite part is how amazingly easy its going to be to move compared to traditional box springs. Solid purchase.
love it
Great easy to assemble
Good buy
This was easy to set up, its strong and durable. You may need to level the footings I would but again,
Great for my guest room
This was fairly easy and quick to assemble and went together without any trouble at all. I found that the instructions were a bit less than helpful but once you take a look it was easy to assemble using a bit of common sense. Seems sturdy so far and if it holds up like I expect itll be an excellent add on - lightweight and easy to move around. Feels like a winner all the way around.
Easy assemble
Ordered this so happy that I did ! Built it within 15 mins. Very sturdy did not come with any dents or anything.
Super easy to put together!
this foundation is exactly as it looks in the pictures works very nice for me.
Honestly for the price you cant go wrong. It didnt even come with instructions but its pretty straight forward. Took maybe 15-20 min to assemble and I am actually surprised how sturdy and quiet it is. Ill update in a month or so and see if my big 240lbs ass damages it at all down the line. So far Im glad I got it Update. Still a great buy. Lots of adult activities on it too
easy to assemble
Ive seen a few reviews saying this product has given some people some issues with putting it together. Cant understand why I had the whole thing together before even opening the instructions. Seems pretty straightforward and sturdy so far. My favorite part is how amazingly easy its going to be to move compared to traditional box springs. Solid purchase.
Easy assembly
Was skeptical- very easy to put together and very sturdy. 2 thumbs up
exactly as described
This product is easy to put together and super durable. The look of this product is very nice.
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