Easy to assemble and sturdy. Looks great in the space. One arm had an issue, but customer service was lightning fast and got a new one delivered within a couple days. Spot on! Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
So let me first say that we purchased two of these futons. They arrived early but the boxes only contained the left side of the couch . Definitely got a little scared but after reading a few of the reviews, it looks like this is pretty common. Today the second shipment came and the right sides arrived! This was super super easy to put together, like cry supper easy! The boxes are not very heavy and no tools are required! Score!!!! My husband is 60 and can lay down comfortably on them. They are a little stuff but I assume that is because they are new. It is a bummer that the back is only that black furniture cover, so I am thinking of buying black and stapling on there so my cats dont scratch it. I am really hoping these hold up for everyday use in our living room, although I have my doubts. Love the fact that they can be used as chairs, a couch or a futon. Heres hoping we get a few years out of them! Buy it again.
I love it. If youre looking for a good sized sofa this is not the one for you. I even measured before I bought it and I was shocked at how small it is. Its perfect for smaller spaces! Best purchase yet!
The shipping was super fast. The actual futon is very pretty and the perfect look for a modern look. The sturdiness is the only reason I would rate it a 4. It felt a little uncomfortable to be a main sofa for 2225lbs+ people. As a side seating area or just for a cute addition, it appears to be perfect. So keep this in mind if you plant to use it for strs and are over 225lbs. And the fast responses to all emails and customer service was on point too. I hope this helps. As described and easy to set up.
We were looking for a couch that was small yet functional for our small space. This couch is perfect!
It arrived on time, is well built, and is aesthetically pleasing on the eyes (we got the navy blue)! Super comfy and has many configurations. Can easily sleep one person on visits and for comfort. I like it.
You need alot of patience to build this! Beautiful sofa, but Im disappointed that its torn after 2 weeks. Its a secondary couch and has barely been sat on, so no reason it should be tearing that easily. Aside from that the setup was easy, and it did come quickly.
Not all material shipped. I bought this for my nephew to sleep on when he came to visit. It was easy to put together. Very beautiful but way too hard to sleep on especially for an adult( which my nephew was) I tried to send it back but the seller wouldnt pay shipping so I got stuck with something Ill never use. Its still in the box in my garage. Very dissatisfied and disappointed.
Ive had the couch for less than a month and the seams are separating between the cushion you sit on and the back cushions. So the seams arent sturdy at all.
Great for a sitting area!
Easy to assemble and sturdy. Looks great in the space. One arm had an issue, but customer service was lightning fast and got a new one delivered within a couple days. Spot on! Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Wow! Super Beautiful!
So let me first say that we purchased two of these futons. They arrived early but the boxes only contained the left side of the couch . Definitely got a little scared but after reading a few of the reviews, it looks like this is pretty common. Today the second shipment came and the right sides arrived! This was super super easy to put together, like cry supper easy! The boxes are not very heavy and no tools are required! Score!!!! My husband is 60 and can lay down comfortably on them. They are a little stuff but I assume that is because they are new. It is a bummer that the back is only that black furniture cover, so I am thinking of buying black and stapling on there so my cats dont scratch it. I am really hoping these hold up for everyday use in our living room, although I have my doubts. Love the fact that they can be used as chairs, a couch or a futon. Heres hoping we get a few years out of them! Buy it again.
It is a really cute couch
I bought this ouch for my daughters small place. She loves it and the color is beautifully vibrant Thanks.
Gorgeous but small!!
I love it. If youre looking for a good sized sofa this is not the one for you. I even measured before I bought it and I was shocked at how small it is. Its perfect for smaller spaces! Best purchase yet!
Perfect size for small apartment
Love the color and it was very comfortable. One of the seat beffle didnt line up with the holes but we made it work. Bless your hearts.
Nice lookin futon
The shipping was super fast. The actual futon is very pretty and the perfect look for a modern look. The sturdiness is the only reason I would rate it a 4. It felt a little uncomfortable to be a main sofa for 2225lbs+ people. As a side seating area or just for a cute addition, it appears to be perfect. So keep this in mind if you plant to use it for strs and are over 225lbs. And the fast responses to all emails and customer service was on point too. I hope this helps. As described and easy to set up.
Great for small spaces!
We were looking for a couch that was small yet functional for our small space. This couch is perfect! It arrived on time, is well built, and is aesthetically pleasing on the eyes (we got the navy blue)! Super comfy and has many configurations. Can easily sleep one person on visits and for comfort. I like it.
Torn after 2 weeks
You need alot of patience to build this! Beautiful sofa, but Im disappointed that its torn after 2 weeks. Its a secondary couch and has barely been sat on, so no reason it should be tearing that easily. Aside from that the setup was easy, and it did come quickly.
Beautiful but too hard
Not all material shipped. I bought this for my nephew to sleep on when he came to visit. It was easy to put together. Very beautiful but way too hard to sleep on especially for an adult( which my nephew was) I tried to send it back but the seller wouldnt pay shipping so I got stuck with something Ill never use. Its still in the box in my garage. Very dissatisfied and disappointed.
Seams separate
Ive had the couch for less than a month and the seams are separating between the cushion you sit on and the back cushions. So the seams arent sturdy at all.
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