Poor construction. Received the package in a bad shape. All the plastic leg covers are broken. The bed still shakes a bit even after completely tightening all the bolts.
Good, Went together easily enough and seems sturdy enough. I do recommend a little loctite superglue, a very small drop once the bolts are in, back them out a quarter inch and apply then re/tighten. Otherwise, check periodically for loose bolts and snug them back up.
Built strong. Product was as promised. Great value, easy to assemble, and our kids love them. We bought two and built a wood platform to turn them into a big fort in their room.
I hope it is sturdy. Honestly a bit wobbly, but youll get used to it over time. The frame makes it incredibly difficult to put the side guards on, so I just left them off. Maybe youll have better luck.
Worth it! She loves it. I got this for my 5 and 6 year old. Very easy assembly, I did it all by myself but it did take some time. Feels very sturdy and had it about 2 weeks now and I am satisfied so far.
My only advice is pay attention to the side rails for both the top and bottom bunk. It does matter where they go based off where you want the ladder. I thought they were all the same, but the holes need to line up for BOTH the top and bottom bunk. Luckily I caught it before I got to far along.
Love it. We really like it. My 9/year old was given this by her grandparents. We were concerned with 8 ceilings we would not be able to make it work with her height. It has plenty of room between the two bunk beds. There is enough room for a tall 9 year old to sit and play in the top bunk bed. We looked at s other twin bunk bed, but were glad we chose the twin over full bunk bed. Our only complaint is that the bottom middle rail is really weak. It should be as strong as the outside bottom rails. Id also recommend another set of the grey plastic stability binders for the bunk beds. Easy to put together. My 9/year old did most of the work.
Five Stars
Satisfied.space saver, cool
Received the package in a bad shape. All the plastic leg covers are broken
Poor construction. Received the package in a bad shape. All the plastic leg covers are broken. The bed still shakes a bit even after completely tightening all the bolts.
Great buy
Good, Went together easily enough and seems sturdy enough. I do recommend a little loctite superglue, a very small drop once the bolts are in, back them out a quarter inch and apply then re/tighten. Otherwise, check periodically for loose bolts and snug them back up.
time to put together but my daughter is very happy with them
It works great! Thank you! Takes some time to put together but my daughter is very happy with them.
Easy to assemble
Simple and does the job. Arrived on time. Box slightly beat up. Easy to assemble. Sturdy. Compact.
Nice kids bed
recommend! Very nice product. It isnt that hard to assemble and is very strong. Nice design and price.
Great value for the price
Built strong. Product was as promised. Great value, easy to assemble, and our kids love them. We bought two and built a wood platform to turn them into a big fort in their room.
Maybe youll have better luck.
I hope it is sturdy. Honestly a bit wobbly, but youll get used to it over time. The frame makes it incredibly difficult to put the side guards on, so I just left them off. Maybe youll have better luck.
Very easy assembly, I did it all by myself but
Worth it! She loves it. I got this for my 5 and 6 year old. Very easy assembly, I did it all by myself but it did take some time. Feels very sturdy and had it about 2 weeks now and I am satisfied so far. My only advice is pay attention to the side rails for both the top and bottom bunk. It does matter where they go based off where you want the ladder. I thought they were all the same, but the holes need to line up for BOTH the top and bottom bunk. Luckily I caught it before I got to far along.
Plenty of room for a tall 9/year old
Love it. We really like it. My 9/year old was given this by her grandparents. We were concerned with 8 ceilings we would not be able to make it work with her height. It has plenty of room between the two bunk beds. There is enough room for a tall 9 year old to sit and play in the top bunk bed. We looked at s other twin bunk bed, but were glad we chose the twin over full bunk bed. Our only complaint is that the bottom middle rail is really weak. It should be as strong as the outside bottom rails. Id also recommend another set of the grey plastic stability binders for the bunk beds. Easy to put together. My 9/year old did most of the work.
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