There was a shipping issue with FedEx so this chair arrived nearly a month late, but the seller was very responsive and gave me a generous credit to make up for it. I was concerned after waiting so long I might not like the chair or it would arrive damaged, but it is exactly what I was looking for. Its remarkable sturdy, was so easy to put together, and looks great in my living room! It comes in a flat box and all of the extra pieces (arms, back, cushion) were tucked into the base under a strong velcro lining. Very innovative! Its a great size. Not overbearing like some others I was looking at. Obsessed is a understatement!!
Arrived today, almost a week before its originally scheduled delivery date (nothing wrong with that).
Aside from being extremely comfy, the one thing I take from this is that the assembly was designed by people who put these things together for a living. From opening the box to sitting on the completed product took a little less than 15 minutes. With the exception of the feet (which go on with 4 long bolts, tool included), the rest assembles via four interlocking spacers. Again, the hardest thing about putting it together was dragging the box in from the porch.
Its a little wider than I was expected, but the width is perfect if you want an evening of cuddling and watching movies with your significant other.
My main reason for buying this (instead of a traditional recliner) was that I wanted four feet on the ground, and this sits VERY solid.
All in all, a very satisfactory shopping experience. I am very content
Its feels like your sitting on the floor. If the box would have been salvageable or not a pain to find a place to return I would have done it. I am disappointed in the quality
Very comfortable. I like that the back cushion is secured by sturdy velcro, so it does not slip. Very sturdy arms. I love it/also, looks very nice. I like it
Awesome, comfortable Very satisfied
Exactly what I was looking for!
There was a shipping issue with FedEx so this chair arrived nearly a month late, but the seller was very responsive and gave me a generous credit to make up for it. I was concerned after waiting so long I might not like the chair or it would arrive damaged, but it is exactly what I was looking for. Its remarkable sturdy, was so easy to put together, and looks great in my living room! It comes in a flat box and all of the extra pieces (arms, back, cushion) were tucked into the base under a strong velcro lining. Very innovative! Its a great size. Not overbearing like some others I was looking at. Obsessed is a understatement!!
Looks great in the room.
like the confort. looks beautiful in my entryway
Nice chaise!
Easy to assemble and exactly what we ordered. Surprisingly very comfortable
Very well built
This was a great addition to our living room. Im confident it will last a long time. You paid for what you get
Great buy
This was a great buy. It was very affordable and easy to assemble. product is worth the cost.
Comfy, Easy to Assemble, Arrived a Week Before Schedule
Arrived today, almost a week before its originally scheduled delivery date (nothing wrong with that). Aside from being extremely comfy, the one thing I take from this is that the assembly was designed by people who put these things together for a living. From opening the box to sitting on the completed product took a little less than 15 minutes. With the exception of the feet (which go on with 4 long bolts, tool included), the rest assembles via four interlocking spacers. Again, the hardest thing about putting it together was dragging the box in from the porch. Its a little wider than I was expected, but the width is perfect if you want an evening of cuddling and watching movies with your significant other. My main reason for buying this (instead of a traditional recliner) was that I wanted four feet on the ground, and this sits VERY solid. All in all, a very satisfactory shopping experience. I am very content
I bought it for my daughter for Christmas. She loves it. After a long day of teaching and coaching she can relax Satisfy my aesthetic
Its a seat above beanbag
Its feels like your sitting on the floor. If the box would have been salvageable or not a pain to find a place to return I would have done it. I am disappointed in the quality
Favorite piece of furniture.
Very comfortable. I like that the back cushion is secured by sturdy velcro, so it does not slip. Very sturdy arms. I love it/also, looks very nice. I like it
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