This bike was very well packaged with lots of protective styrofoam secured by zip ties and tape. The front tire along with its bolt assembly components and the seat were the only separated items. All the cables and the gear adjustments were already done in the factory. Assembly instructions are in the manual that came with bike.
I had.been shopping for a new bicycle for many months, but most wee out stock or so far out of my price range if was ridiculous. When the became available, I immediately placed the order. This bike is exactly what I need. It has the looks, the simplicity of operation and especially the quality. The choice of colors was excellent; well as long as it was black. Lol
Bike arrived in a damaged package (bottom was open). Assembly was easy, but pre/installed back wheel seems to have a bent axle. It wiggles from side to side when spinning. Back wheel gears also wiggle.
Will test the assembled bike to see if at affects performance.
I was impressed with how the bike came and how it felt. There were only four things to assemble / the front wheel, screwing the handlebars on, screwing on the peddles, and putting the seat in place. The handlebar assembly is best done with two people due to the awkwardness of the system.
Three things to consider: First, the braking handles on the handlebar are very loose and seem cheap. I expect them to break easily. Second, the kickstand was made of cheap plastic and broke IMMEDIATELY. This is VERY frustrating. I will contact but dont know if Ill just need to purchase a new one myself. Finally, the brakes needed some tightening, but honestly this is a quick fix if you know how to watch a YouTube video. Ill update after heavy usage in a few months!
Bike arrived in good shape. But had some issue with assembling. The handle bar was preassembled reversed. Bike paddle had issues (makes ka ta sound sometimes) and have to be replaced (not sure if it should be under warranty)
A very good product
I bought this for my 11 years old son, he loves the bike. Its easy to assemble and it value for the money.
Summer bike
Its a great product with best quality.
Love the shock absorbed by the bike and not the rider
Excellent bike
This bike was very well packaged with lots of protective styrofoam secured by zip ties and tape. The front tire along with its bolt assembly components and the seat were the only separated items. All the cables and the gear adjustments were already done in the factory. Assembly instructions are in the manual that came with bike.
Great item/Overprices
This is a great bike but way over priced!
Excellence at Affordable Price.
I had.been shopping for a new bicycle for many months, but most wee out stock or so far out of my price range if was ridiculous. When the became available, I immediately placed the order. This bike is exactly what I need. It has the looks, the simplicity of operation and especially the quality. The choice of colors was excellent; well as long as it was black. Lol
Assembly was easy, but it came with a bent back axle.
Bike arrived in a damaged package (bottom was open). Assembly was easy, but pre/installed back wheel seems to have a bent axle. It wiggles from side to side when spinning. Back wheel gears also wiggle. Will test the assembled bike to see if at affects performance.
Easy to assemble but the junky plastic kickstand broke immeidately.
I was impressed with how the bike came and how it felt. There were only four things to assemble / the front wheel, screwing the handlebars on, screwing on the peddles, and putting the seat in place. The handlebar assembly is best done with two people due to the awkwardness of the system. Three things to consider: First, the braking handles on the handlebar are very loose and seem cheap. I expect them to break easily. Second, the kickstand was made of cheap plastic and broke IMMEDIATELY. This is VERY frustrating. I will contact but dont know if Ill just need to purchase a new one myself. Finally, the brakes needed some tightening, but honestly this is a quick fix if you know how to watch a YouTube video. Ill update after heavy usage in a few months!
REasonable bike, but need some work
Bike arrived in good shape. But had some issue with assembling. The handle bar was preassembled reversed. Bike paddle had issues (makes ka ta sound sometimes) and have to be replaced (not sure if it should be under warranty)
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