I like it but it came damaged, Ive already threw the box in the dumpster. Im not sure if I could return it for a replacement without it being in its original box. I wish that there was a way to contact the seller to see what they can do.
I absolutely love this stand! Very sturdy and looks great! Very easy to assemble. Did come with some slight damage to the top (I was able to use a furniture pen and you can barely notice the flaws now) but customer service was great and offered a partial refund. Very pleased with how they handled it!
Product delivered earlier than expected. We were very happy with the color and look of it. There are lots pieces and looks a little overwhelming when you open the box but my two daughters put it together and finished under 2 hours with little complaints. Of course it would be nicer if it was solid wood but you really cant tell its not unless you go up close and touch it. Very happy with the piece.
Assemble was easy for 2 people about 11/2hrs ,all parts where there no damage to the boards. Very sturdy and looks like its more then its worth . I would recommend if you like the picture you will enjoy it in person
Unhappy customer
I like it but it came damaged, Ive already threw the box in the dumpster. Im not sure if I could return it for a replacement without it being in its original box. I wish that there was a way to contact the seller to see what they can do.
Looks great!
I absolutely love this stand! Very sturdy and looks great! Very easy to assemble. Did come with some slight damage to the top (I was able to use a furniture pen and you can barely notice the flaws now) but customer service was great and offered a partial refund. Very pleased with how they handled it!
Good Quality
good for the price, semi easy set up. beautiful
Great Item with Great Instructions
It was so easy to put together and looks so great.
Better than I thought
Product delivered earlier than expected. We were very happy with the color and look of it. There are lots pieces and looks a little overwhelming when you open the box but my two daughters put it together and finished under 2 hours with little complaints. Of course it would be nicer if it was solid wood but you really cant tell its not unless you go up close and touch it. Very happy with the piece.
Barn door color
Assemble was easy for 2 people about 11/2hrs ,all parts where there no damage to the boards. Very sturdy and looks like its more then its worth . I would recommend if you like the picture you will enjoy it in person
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