Shipped earlier than expected and the box is very large and heavy. This bed takes a good few hours to assemble but the pieces are labelled and instructions are clear. Screws come in labelled bags. Bed is sturdy and the quality is higher than I was expecting- the finish is nice and the bed, although large, doesn't seem too large in the room because of the design. The ladder is basically thicker bars at the end of the two shelves - but we've had no problems with my daughter (who's 6) getting in and out. Mattress is at adult chest height and the space under the bed makes a nice play space with some cushions.
.ca shipped for free with a trial of Prime. Arrived in two days (from ON to BC!) with UPS and shipped right to my garage. All pieces were there and none damaged - with the exception of one piece that was slightly bent, but didn't affect assembly or integrity of the bed.
This is an amazing bed! It took just over 2 hours for mom and kid to put together. It was pretty easy - aside from these tabs that snap the slats into place under the mattress - that was difficult. It's very, very solid. There's L-brackets for mounting to the wall too, as the bed is a tad wobbly without it. There's enough space up top for even taller kids to sit up, plus there's still enough room underneath for a large desk or a smaller desk and a comfy chair beside it. Kids 5 feet and under can even stand underneath. The metal ladder is hard on some feet, but it doesn't bother my kid.
I highly recommend this bed and buying it from .ca! Cheapest place in Canada to buy it from!
It's been 5 months and it's holding up strong. The only thing at all I would add is an opening at the top so the kids have an easier time getting over, but not if it meant less stability. All in all for the price and how well it's holding up I'm very happy with this.
We ordered this a couple months ago and finally got around to putting it together. I've been dreading it, figuring it would be a huge pain. Honestly it was much easier than I was anticipating. It took about 2.5 hours for my husband and I to put it together. The parts are all clearly labelled, and every part fits perfectly. It feels super sturdy and I have no worries about my children sleeping on it (as I have with some in store models we tested out!) I especially love that it can come apart to 2 separate single beds if my boys decide they don't want bunks anymore.
My only suggestion is to make sure your top support on the ladder side is the right direction!!! We did not pay attention and had to pull half the top of the bed apart to flip the beam over to attach the ladder. That was a pain but totally our own fault.
Very good value for the money
Shipped earlier than expected and the box is very large and heavy. This bed takes a good few hours to assemble but the pieces are labelled and instructions are clear. Screws come in labelled bags. Bed is sturdy and the quality is higher than I was expecting- the finish is nice and the bed, although large, doesn't seem too large in the room because of the design. The ladder is basically thicker bars at the end of the two shelves - but we've had no problems with my daughter (who's 6) getting in and out. Mattress is at adult chest height and the space under the bed makes a nice play space with some cushions.
Four Stars
My son loves his bed and it wasn't hard to put together.
Great bed!
.ca shipped for free with a trial of Prime. Arrived in two days (from ON to BC!) with UPS and shipped right to my garage. All pieces were there and none damaged - with the exception of one piece that was slightly bent, but didn't affect assembly or integrity of the bed. This is an amazing bed! It took just over 2 hours for mom and kid to put together. It was pretty easy - aside from these tabs that snap the slats into place under the mattress - that was difficult. It's very, very solid. There's L-brackets for mounting to the wall too, as the bed is a tad wobbly without it. There's enough space up top for even taller kids to sit up, plus there's still enough room underneath for a large desk or a smaller desk and a comfy chair beside it. Kids 5 feet and under can even stand underneath. The metal ladder is hard on some feet, but it doesn't bother my kid. I highly recommend this bed and buying it from .ca! Cheapest place in Canada to buy it from!
Worth the money
Very pleased with this bedroom set my son loves it all
Five Stars
Sturdy, straight forward bunk. Just right for our boys in our small space. Price point was right.
Four Stars
Works great for our Grandchild!
Thumbs up
Quick delivery. Good product.
Good purchase
It's been 5 months and it's holding up strong. The only thing at all I would add is an opening at the top so the kids have an easier time getting over, but not if it meant less stability. All in all for the price and how well it's holding up I'm very happy with this.
Réponds à mes attentes .
Lit acheté pour les petits enfants lors des visites occasionnelles , lit du dessus compliqué à faire. Répond à mes attentes.
Strong, sturdy, excellent value
We ordered this a couple months ago and finally got around to putting it together. I've been dreading it, figuring it would be a huge pain. Honestly it was much easier than I was anticipating. It took about 2.5 hours for my husband and I to put it together. The parts are all clearly labelled, and every part fits perfectly. It feels super sturdy and I have no worries about my children sleeping on it (as I have with some in store models we tested out!) I especially love that it can come apart to 2 separate single beds if my boys decide they don't want bunks anymore. My only suggestion is to make sure your top support on the ladder side is the right direction!!! We did not pay attention and had to pull half the top of the bed apart to flip the beam over to attach the ladder. That was a pain but totally our own fault.
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