The assembly is difficult af if you dont have someone else helping you. But other then that its sturdy not really a bang for your buck either Exceeded my expectations
This house bed is extremely cute but the reason why I give only 4 star because it did not have instruction book and it hard to screw in. Good product for its value
My toddler loves his bed. The bed is a little difficult to assemble but with good tools it helps make the process smoother. You can assemble most by yourself but will need assistance with someone holding the roof up as you assemble it. Very satisfied with this purchase! Love the color and it was very comfortable
As other have mention, our 2 year old likes her big girl bed but be prepared for a few things. It took us about 3 hours to build it but wanted to share a few things: (1) not all the pieces are labeled as only a few have stickers, you need to look at the end of the other pieces as they will have a faint letter that will help (2) no words on the instructions, focus on pictures to help you determine the direction of the price (3) They dont recommend using power tools but the screws are so long it will take a time and power to do it by hand / I use it but I know have two screws I stripped and will need to deal with when we move (4) on Step 3/4, you will need a second person to help put all four sides together, recommend starting the screws but not tightening them to get all the pieces align
Other than that, it is a nice bed / a few cosmetic issues and the wood would not exactly align on the roof portion (drove me insane for 20 minutes)
Ensure to go out to dinner afterwards and get a nice bottle of wine so you can drown out the anger from the building it. I was so excited to use it
Instructions were very unclear and hard to follow took a long time to assemble. But overall I love the bed looks great in my toddlers room Its a good product
Overall very happy with this bed. Its good quality, sturdy, and arrived undamaged. It also arrived about 3 weeks earlier than expected. My only complaint is that the directions had the parts mislabeled which made assembly confusing, but we were able to figure it out with some common sense. It is ok for the use.
Our grandson immediately went into his house bed after it was set up. He didnt miss his crib at all. Its sturdy and super cute too! This was told to us by his parents. Better price available for same designs
The assembly is difficult af if you dont have someone else helping you. But other then that its sturdy not really a bang for your buck either Exceeded my expectations
Full house bed
This house bed is extremely cute but the reason why I give only 4 star because it did not have instruction book and it hard to screw in. Good product for its value
Hard to assemble but worth the time and money!
My toddler loves his bed. The bed is a little difficult to assemble but with good tools it helps make the process smoother. You can assemble most by yourself but will need assistance with someone holding the roof up as you assemble it. Very satisfied with this purchase! Love the color and it was very comfortable
Excellent product.
Excellent product. It arrived on time
Nice bed but be prepared to fight with your spouse as you build it
As other have mention, our 2 year old likes her big girl bed but be prepared for a few things. It took us about 3 hours to build it but wanted to share a few things: (1) not all the pieces are labeled as only a few have stickers, you need to look at the end of the other pieces as they will have a faint letter that will help (2) no words on the instructions, focus on pictures to help you determine the direction of the price (3) They dont recommend using power tools but the screws are so long it will take a time and power to do it by hand / I use it but I know have two screws I stripped and will need to deal with when we move (4) on Step 3/4, you will need a second person to help put all four sides together, recommend starting the screws but not tightening them to get all the pieces align Other than that, it is a nice bed / a few cosmetic issues and the wood would not exactly align on the roof portion (drove me insane for 20 minutes) Ensure to go out to dinner afterwards and get a nice bottle of wine so you can drown out the anger from the building it. I was so excited to use it
Beautiful bed, difficult to assemble.
Instructions were very unclear and hard to follow took a long time to assemble. But overall I love the bed looks great in my toddlers room Its a good product
Good Quality, but Poor Directions
Overall very happy with this bed. Its good quality, sturdy, and arrived undamaged. It also arrived about 3 weeks earlier than expected. My only complaint is that the directions had the parts mislabeled which made assembly confusing, but we were able to figure it out with some common sense. It is ok for the use.
Great bed for a kid
Easy to assemble, directions are good my daughter loves it! Best quality product
Nice bed. The instructions were confusing. But we used a power drill and it made putting it together easy Everything is nice!
Grandson Loves His House Bed
Our grandson immediately went into his house bed after it was set up. He didnt miss his crib at all. Its sturdy and super cute too! This was told to us by his parents. Better price available for same designs
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