Quick ship. Directions are straight forward. Be ready to spend a few hours on it though took me 6 hours. My son loves it though well worth the time and money.
Bought the bed for our two granddaughters (3 and 5) when they visit. Bed itself is sturdy and nice looking. My only wish / and it is so minor / is that they had covers for the screws, etc. I mean minor! Girls loved it so a major winner.
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. My daughter loves her bed. It was very easy to put together. I did it myself. Although one of the screws broke off of the handle I was able to use another that I already had to make it stay put. Overall I am pleased with my purchase and she is pleased with her choice. Id recommend it to anyone.
Sturdy. Lots of pieces and hardware, took 2 hours to assemble by myself. Not as sturdy as I hoped. Overall negative aspect is that all the screws are visible
First, the pictures of the drawers is not to scale. The trundle will only handle a small cheap mattress because anything decent will not fit under the actual bed. That said when trying to pull out the trundle the front facade dang near breaks from the weight. In order to use this bed, I will need to raise the twin up a few inches and use new roller son the trundle. Keep searching for something better. I am highly disappointed yet stuck with this piece of crap that may last a few months.
Space saver. We upgraded our 7 year old from a small loft bed to this she absolutely loves it! We have carpet the trundle rolls great on it. It was not hard to put together either. The only thing is that I wish we were sent some white stickers to cover the screws on the top of the headboard footboard. I didnt notice them right away in the picture, but it would not have changed my decision on purchasing the bed. The bed is very sturdy everything came packaged great!
Good for price
Quick ship. Directions are straight forward. Be ready to spend a few hours on it though took me 6 hours. My son loves it though well worth the time and money.
Very Attractive
Bought the bed for our two granddaughters (3 and 5) when they visit. Bed itself is sturdy and nice looking. My only wish / and it is so minor / is that they had covers for the screws, etc. I mean minor! Girls loved it so a major winner.
Great Purchase
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. My daughter loves her bed. It was very easy to put together. I did it myself. Although one of the screws broke off of the handle I was able to use another that I already had to make it stay put. Overall I am pleased with my purchase and she is pleased with her choice. Id recommend it to anyone.
It is what it is
Sturdy. Lots of pieces and hardware, took 2 hours to assemble by myself. Not as sturdy as I hoped. Overall negative aspect is that all the screws are visible
Nice but will not buy another if I had to put it together myself.
Worth it!!! To many pieces to put together. So many screws. It was really nice onece it was put together.
Very nice for the money spent
Simple and easy to put together. Love it
Very nice
Got this for my 10 year old he loves it also bought mattress and it fits perfectly into the trundle
Finished product is cheap
First, the pictures of the drawers is not to scale. The trundle will only handle a small cheap mattress because anything decent will not fit under the actual bed. That said when trying to pull out the trundle the front facade dang near breaks from the weight. In order to use this bed, I will need to raise the twin up a few inches and use new roller son the trundle. Keep searching for something better. I am highly disappointed yet stuck with this piece of crap that may last a few months.
Very easy assemble
Ok. I loved it
Great bed!
Space saver. We upgraded our 7 year old from a small loft bed to this she absolutely loves it! We have carpet the trundle rolls great on it. It was not hard to put together either. The only thing is that I wish we were sent some white stickers to cover the screws on the top of the headboard footboard. I didnt notice them right away in the picture, but it would not have changed my decision on purchasing the bed. The bed is very sturdy everything came packaged great!
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